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On Saturday, September 28, beginning at 4:00 p.m. and painting until 8:00 p.m. all are welcome to help paint a mural on the back of the City Hall building. There are no supplies or experience needed!
An additional "Under the Sea" child's mural will be painted for the kids!
There will be live music by Phil Thomas and Darryl Hokanson AND the Boogie Woogers.There will be food vendors available including The Niche Wine Bar, Beast & Bird, Kitchen Casserole, and Shelly's Sweets.This event is brought to you by: PourVille Art Studio and Gallery, Vinton Guild of Fine Arts, The Niche, LaGrange Pharmacy, Cameron's , and Vinton Unlimited.Sponsors include:
Ervin Motor Company
Essential Health Massage
Farm Bureau Financial Services
Ideal Industries
IMCA Racing
Karr Septic Service
T-J Gas
Custom Millwork


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