It will be easy for Heidi Kersten to remember the date she stood at Riverside Park and heard VPRD Director Brad Barker recite the history of the Kersten Christmas lights.

“This is the 14th anniversary of my mother’s death,” said Heidi, after receiving a plaque from Barker on Saturday, June 25. “I think she would be proud.”

Heidi, the daughter of Larry and Carolyn Kersten, has continued the light display that Larry began in Christmas of 1965. She painted a portrait of her parents which is now part of the annual display. Barker told the audience that honoring the Kersten tradition was an appropriate way for the City of Lights to celebrate its 25th annual Party in the Park.

The entire weekend was a celebration of community, friends and family. On Friday, nearly 400 people gathered at the park for the 4th annual Party in Pink 5K. The event allowed residents to show their support for breast cancer survivors while raising money for the Virginia Gay Hospital Gifts of Hope Fund, which offers financial assistance for women’s health services.

Among the many participants who walked or ran with friends was Nikki Rowe, who walked with survivors Joy McGowan and Jen Goad.

“Joy and Jen are the first people we met when we moved to the area,” says Nikki. “Our boys played baseball on a USSSA team together. They made us feel welcome in a new place and are dear friends. They both have battled cancer and I just want to them to know how much we care and support them and their struggle with cancer.”

Friends and family members also joined local political candidates in the annual Parade, wearing matching shirts and riding in unique vehicles to show their support for auditor candidates Hayle Rippel and Vicky Schwenker as well as sheriff candidate Ron Tippett and supervisor candidates Terry Hertle and Rick Primmer. Others gathered at the park to see their daughters dance with the Cooling Dancers, or to hear Gabe Schmidt, Stephen Schmidt, Davia Herger or Sam Thompson sing.

"I'm just the Roadie," said Sonny Evans, as she helped Davia carry guitars to the band shell for her performance Saturday afternoon.

Bags for Burns

The annual Bags for Burns bean bag tournament drew approximately 40 people for the event which honors the late Burns Mossman. This year, new boards with photos of Burns were used for the contest. Tyler Stueck won the singles tournament and he and his dad Tom were the doubles winners.

The annual celebration ended with the traditional fireworks. Chuck Yedlik and his Bar-Y crew chose a variety of patriotic music to accompany the display.

See photos of Party in the Park events by clicking the links below:

Party in Pink

Kiddie Parade

Friday events

Saturday events

PIP Parade



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