Would you like to help under or unemployed families with one of their biggest needs and concerns? You can, by bringing disposable diapers to your church through a program called Diaper Depot. During the month of February, bring diapers of all sizes, (especially Newborn and sizes 1 through 4) to Bethlehem Lutheran, Blessed Hope, Brandon UMC, First Christian, Garrison UMC, the Presbyterian Church, St. Mary’s, Stewart Memorial or Wesley UMC. They will go to the Vinton site for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and be distributed there during the months of April through December to WIC clients. Over 75 Vinton area families in need attend WIC to receive well baby check ups and learn more about the nutrition and health of their children. For folks with tight budgets, the gift of diapers is significant, partially because diapers cannot be purchased with food stamps.

If you are interested in volunteering to pass out packages of diapers, or for more information, please call the Wesley United Methodist Church at 472-2581 for details. The volunteer commitment is 4 hours on the second Wednesday of the month, but you need not sign up for every month to be a part of this exciting ministry.

Thanks to you and a grant from the Matthew 25 Ministries of the United Methodist Church, this ministry of the Vinton Area Ministerial Association will provide significant help to families in need.


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