By: Co-Reporter, Grace Schminke
On Saturday October 9th, the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter gave meals to farmers at the Shellsburg Elevator. The chapter gathered in Shellsburg at 10 A.M. on Saturday to begin preparing the meals. The meals included a pulled pork sandwich donated by the Benton County Pork Producers, a cookie, a bag of chips, and their choice of a drink. Clayton McKenna, Josh Wiley, Christopher Fleming, Mathew Bookmeier, and Grace Schminke prepared the meals, and Gunnar Schminke, Alana Fleming, Megan Schlitter, Allie Kaut, and Kevin Heckman handed the farmers the meals at the elevator. Isabel Mullinx, Bailey Weeks, and Advisor, Gabby Power drove around to fields and fed some farmers as well. The FFA members that helped with the meals really enjoyed getting to do something nice for the community of Shellsburg. The chapter finished handing out meals around 2 P.M. That chapter would like to give a big thank you to the Benton County Pork Producers for providing the meat, Schminke Equipment for the space to prepare the meals, the anonymous donor for providing the buns, chips, cookies, and drinks, the Vinton McDonalds for the barbeque sauce, and the Shellsburg Elevator for letting us work with them in giving out meals. And thank you to all of the farmers for everything you do everyday!
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