The Vinton Shellsburg Community School Board honored the time and dedication of numerous individuals to support the strength and conditioning program for middle school and high school students during the summer and throughout the school year.

These individuals assisted with the program:
Joe Hadachek, Aric Chvala, Jaice Hadachek, Don Lyle, Aaron Zuspann, Brian Sheston, John Adelmund, Cody Robertson, Patrick Horst, Brandt Corcran. Nate Hansen, Heidi Primrose, Allissa Hendryx, Elly Bents, Devin Kearns, Marissa Heth. Josh Meyer, Chole Baumgartner, Josh Meyer, Becky Lutgen, Anthony Church, Alexa Schirm, Koal Marshall, Abby Davis, Adam Fish, Emily Grimm, Rich Haisman and Jay Bridgewater.

Also at the meeting was Dave Behrens. Dave is a constant throughout the school year volunteering his time for the betterment of the kids. Dave pours positivity into the kids, making them want to return the next time.

Thank you Dave for being a Positive Difference Maker!


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PW September 20, 2024, 1:25 pm Wow! Congratulations, Dave!!