Last year, Heidi Koopman added a sad ½ to the number of years on the sign telling visitors to the Kersten/Koopman light display how many years her family has kept operating one of Iowa’s largest private Christmas light displays.

Instead of writing “47,” last year, she wrote “46 ½.”

That’s because the July 11, 2011 storm destroyed or damaged many of the trees in which she and husband Dean placed more than 30,000 lights. Instead of spending their autumn preparing for the annual display, the couple spent many days clearing the damaged trees. The light display continued in 2012, but was much smaller than usual.

“It broke my heart,” said Heidi.

But this year, the Koopmans have been able to set up the full display, placing 32,000 lights and all of the decorations from previous years. Heidi even had time to add the traditional new decoration – a painted penguin.

The lights will continue through Dec. 27. The Koopmans turn them on at dark and turn them off at 9:30 p.m. on Monday-Friday and at 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. A donation box – painted as Shorty the Giraffe – allows visitors to help cover the cost of the display and the electricity.

History, directions and a poem by Larry Kersten

The Koopman's live on the farm where Heidi grew up, the home that her father, Larry Kersten made famous because of his Christmas light displays.

The lights are located at 5598 22nd Avenue Drive. To get to the display from Vinton, take Highway 218 north to V61. The Koopman farm is 2.5 miles north of Highway 218. From areas north of Vinton, go to Mt.Auburnand take V61. The Koopman farm is approximately 5 miles south of Mt.Auburn. Their home is at the intersection of V61 and 22nd Avenue.

Here's a brief history of the lights and the man who created the display:

Forty five years ago, Larry Kersten built the first of dozens of holiday decorations. He applied what he learned as a machinist as well as his artistic skills to make lighted, moving Christmas decorations.

Pretty soon, people started driving slowly by the Kersten residence, admiring Larry's Work. Seeing that people loved his decorations inspired him to do more. Eventually the display grew to have tens of thousands of lights and at least one new display each year.

The display includes a crane moving Christmas presents, reindeer pulling a sleigh, Santas pulling a sleigh with a reindeer at the reins, a chimney with Santa ascending and descending, and many cartoon characters, icons from history (space capsules and rockets) as well as Nativity scenes.

Larry and his wife, Carolyn, both passed away several years ago. The couple's daughter, Heidi Koopman, and her husband, Dean, continue maintaining and setting up the light displays. One of the more recent displays is a painting of Heidi's parents.

The lights are on through Dec. 27, until 9:30 p.m.on weekdays and 10 p.m.on weekends.

Why did Larry Kersten work so hard for well over 30 years to bring holiday cheer to strangers?

He answered that question -- which many journalists asked him over the years -- with this poem, which he shared with Vinton Today Editor Dean Close in 1995:

I do it to bring a little Christmas cheer

If for only a few days a year

I do it to change the faces of little children of sadness and fright

Into faces of happiness and delight.

I do it to help warm your heart and soul

Something you can't do with fire and coal

I do it to bring smiles on the faces

Of people from near and faraway places

I do it to see the many colored lights glow

And place their pretty reflections upon the ice and snow

I do it to help you remember days gone by

And what could I have changed and why

I do it to help you remember the times when you were down and really sad

But isn't it more fun to be happy and glad?

I do it to help you remember the reason for the season -- it's God's birthday

Happy birthday, God -- we are glad you were born in every way


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BE November 26, 2012, 1:39 pm This Christmas lights display is a real blessing to have in our community. We live next door to this display and it is great to hear the children\'s excited voices as they see the displays. Thanks Heidi and Dean for keeping up the family tradition that your parents started.
DE November 27, 2012, 1:17 pm Congratulations, Heidi!! Your parents\' legacy to our community brings smiles, happiness, and the spirit of Christmas to us all!
GS November 28, 2012, 12:14 pm I\'m so happy this tradition continues! My husband and I went to see the widely-advertised \"Jolly Holiday Lights\" in Des Moines a couple years ago and I was unimpressed since I was comparing them to Kersten\'s. You\'ve set the standard high. Thank you!
MK November 28, 2012, 2:52 pm Thanks Heidi for keeping the lighting display going year after year! I never get tired of looking at it, I remember when our son was little and the joy he got out of seeing it, even the family dog enjoyed it! Our community needs this sort of display during the holiday season. God bless you and your husband during this holiday season and all year long.
MG December 4, 2012, 1:35 pm I grew up in Vinton and the lights have provided many years of beauty to me and now to my family.I enjoy bringing my kids and their kids out to see the light if I am in town. Thank-you for continuing a wonderful tradition! Merry Christmas from Michigan!!
MH December 8, 2012, 10:49 pm I am thirty years old and when I was young my parents would take me and my sister to see the display of lights. Now I have my own son and wanted to see if this display was still happy when I found this. We will be coming to see the display!
je November 30, 2014, 9:17 pm Great job. Keep up the good work.
TH December 1, 2014, 1:15 pm Visiting the Kersten light display at Christmas has been a family tradition of ours since we moved to Vinton 37 years ago.Thank you for \"lighting up our lives\" over the holiday season!