From Lindsey,
Good Grief!
". Both Putin and Trump expected Trump to win a second term. When he didn't win, Trump was prepared to disregard our election process and proclaim himself the winner. He had spent most of his term, trying to tear NATO apart. He succeeded in getting most NATO countries to question the leadership of his U.S.A. He lied to all Americans about how NATO works. Telling all of you that most NATO countries don't pay their fair share."
Wrong Wrong Wrong. First off Many of our past Presidents have complained that Most are not all Nato members did not give the two percent of their GNP as they have agreed to their defense budgets - from Bush 41 to Clinton, to Bush 43, to Obama, to Trump 45. The difference Trump publicly shamed them all. These NATO Nations have enjoyed the Nuclear Umbrella Protection of the United States against the USSR and since its disbandment from Russia itself, the Taxpayer has supplied the funds. Where did you get this misinformation?
Next: from Lindsey
"So, my suggested explanation is that Putin had expected a weakened NATO, in Trump's 2nd term, to not get in his way, in taking control over the sovereign state of Ukraine. The sanctions that have been put on Russia and Putin's oligarchs won't show their effects for some time. NATO countries have already vowed to start decreasing their dependency on Russian oil. But that can't happen overnight."
The Europeans bought Russian Oil well before the invasion of Ukraine. Germany made a serious error in negotiation with Putin for the pipeline that went around Ukraine. That was a serious strategic error. We had the wherewithal to provide Europe with LNG from our resources. But one of the preventions was a little-known law (written in the '30s, I think)called the Jones act. Among other things, we do not have LNG vessels under U.S. Flag. I don't know why we have not built them, but we haven't and to top that off we don't have enough U.S. Flagged ships in the Merchant Marine for our needs. Unfortunately many of our import shipments from other countries we have to rely on their ships.
The next thought - Pres. Biden on his first day in the office made war on our Hydrocarbon suppliers: He canceled all or most of the burdensome regulations that Pres. Trump canceled from the Obama years and others. Contrary to the greenies we will not die in a decade. The Environmental so-called scientists have been wrong on climate since the '70s. We were then going to have an ice age - didn't happen. Then the Al Gores, John Kerrys, and others laid out a decade and we would have reached a tipping point and we would all die. Each decade they give that scenario - it doesn't happen so they just move to the next decade. The deal is in order to kill hydrocarbons they have to scare the rest of us to death. More used oats. We do not have the technology to move to the windmill, solar panel electric age they seek. If we went to Modular Nuclear Reactors - maybe? But Nukes are verboten!
More: Lindsey
" So, my suggested explanation is that Putin had expected a weakened NATO, in Trump's 2nd term, to not get in his way, in taking control over the sovereign state of Ukraine. The sanctions that have been put on Russia and Putin's oligarchs won't show their effects for some time. NATO countries have already vowed to start decreasing their dependency on Russian oil. But that can't happen overnight."
Too late. The opportunity window has long passed. NATO is not weakened - what evidence do you have of that???? Great Briton, France, Germany, and others have great capabilities, and their soldiers, sailors, and airmen are just as brave as our own - where did you get that nonsense??
More: Linsey
"That's my story, and I'm sticking to it unless you can explain away the coincidence of Trump's desire to destroy NATO. Oh yeah. Last night Trump said that he's been friends with Putin for a long time. But, when he lived in our White House, he said he barely knew Putin. Which story do you believe?
We only have one President at a time. Does it matter what Trump may or may not have said? Perhaps, but actions mean more than words off the cuff. Biden doesn't have it - It was a cruel thing the Dems did to nominate a person with deteriorating cognitive skills. But the zero in the second seat gives me no comfort.
You are so wrong it is pitiful.
John Stiegelmeyer
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Why do you feel it necessary to write these letters to the editor? The only possible reason, that I can think of, is that you're worried about future elections. But, unless you're really concerned that Benton County, Iowa is going to start voting Democrat, I don't understand. The experiences that you share with us are nice to read. But, you have to add in the teachings of Tucker Carlson, and it spoils it. I really don't understand how you can have such a good understanding of what Putin is all about. But continue to look to his friends (Trump and Carlson) for political news.
As for climate change... It's April 9, and it's 30° outside, once again. Just like it's been for most of the last two decades. It was never like this, when I was growing up in the 70s. We also didn't have 60° days, throughout the larger part of December, back when I was a teenager. We used to have threats of snow on Halloween. For most of the last two decades, we haven't had snow until after the first if the year. I often wonder if you climate deniers think that if changes are going to happen, it'll all happen at once. You obviously don't understand that, change such as this, happens over long periods of time (decades). But, you don't notice it, because it just happens a little at a time. Do you have a way of checking our outdoor temperatures yourself? I wouldn't want you to depend on the agenda of the left, for telling you what the temperature is on any certain day.
Let's do this. Since you're so upset that someone has a more realistic 'opinion' to what's going on in this world, why don't you just stop with your nonsense, and leave your editorial in the past. Then, I won't need to add in my opinion, with written words that you put in my mouth (or finger).
May I suggest a new career field? You could write "fairy tails" as you are good at making things up.
I am too old to suffer fouls.
No regards,