Sometimes the little things bring good memories. Somewhere in the area there might still be a huge Christmas cactus taking up window space. I have a smaller version of the same plant in my kitchen window.

The only instruction that came with the plant was to water it every time it rains in Arizona. I figured a plant like that, I probably couldn't hurt too bad.

There were two reasons that I love the silly plant. First is that when it blooms it has these gorgeous pink flowers on it. The other reason was that it belonged to a special guy, one of the grandpas of the family. 

Now he came from that generation that always tried to feed everyone that came through the door, then delivered food to the doors of his family to help feed them. Growing up he remembered how things were for his family, so he tried to help.

He didn't die wealthy, and probably fell into the "poor" category, but what he gave was more important than money. He raised his family to take care of each other and they did. 

He valued relationships with his neighbors and his friends. He worked hard and gave everything he had to anyone in need…and to those that probably didn't need it. 

The cactus came from his wife's family or his I can't remember which. The plants always had a place next to his bay window and were meticulously cared for. 

The largest of the two was sold at his estate sale and I brought home the other. For an entire year it gets watered (probably less than the rain in Arizona) and it still rewards you with gorgeous pink blooms sometime after Christmas.

Now, this year I notice it only gave me one bloom, and I suspect it's because it doesn't like city water. So I will probably make a trip to the country to bring in some country water for my cactus. I would guess a couple of gallons will do for the year. It might need some TLC, but being the green thumb that I am, I'd guess it's on its own. 

The pot holds soil from the farm, dug by this grandpa. His yard had hollyhocks planted by him and bluebells transplanted from the woods around his place, simply because his wife loved them. Call me sappy, but I think that is the third reason I've hung on to this plant. It represented the love that this man had for his wife. Decades after she passed, he still watered and cared for her plant. And now, these decades already that he's been gone, I'm still taking care of it too, not as good as he did apparently, but I'm trying! 

P.S. if anyone has tips on how to make this plant happier so that it will reward me with more blooms your tips ARE appreciated...or I guess I COULD google it...


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BL March 10, 2023, 3:13 pm I have mine hanging in the south window of the front porch, I just water it when the soil feels dry. Now it's blooming for the 3rd time in 3 months, and is quite beautiful again. This plant was given to me by the gals I worked with, probably 25 years ago. I've been retired for going on 15 years.

Editor's note: I obviously need to do more for mine!
SA March 13, 2023, 10:04 pm I have two, they were each given to my mom, who later sent them home with me. I keep them in my bathroom, which has the best light in the house. They each bloom several times a year and each produces at least 5 or more buds every blooming cycle. They both guzzle city water and like it just fine. Very pretty, too - one pink and white and the other a darker pink.

Editor's Note: Apparently, they need more water than the rain in Arizona! :) Adding it to a reminder on my phone! I've had lots of tips, and I appreciate them all!