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The White House says Joe Biden is a victim of 'cheap fakes.'

'Cheap fake' videos cut Biden's words out of context we've been hearing for the last several weeks. The videos that appears to show President Joe Biden fall on stage at the US Air Force Academy ceremony, or Biden supposedly falling while getting off his bike after a beach ride or even President Biden Wandering Off Stage, that never happened. We "fake" checked it. NONE of this happened. It's a ploy by those on the right to say that President Biden isn't competent to serve.

Do you remember months ago there was a whole scam saying that Biden's Stutter is Being Mistaken for "Cognitive Decline"? What we were seeing was NOT Biden mumbling incoherently? That's right. The man does NOT have dementia, it's just stuttering. Then there is the clip where he said that Abraham Lincoln was the worst racist in modern times. Trust me, it's just another cheap fake.

You can ask any of Joe Biden's allies. They will tell you that the president is 'sharp,' and his special counsel says the criticism is 'B.S."

I completely agree. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with this man. The press needs to just back off and leave him alone!

Hollywood actors have even come to Biden's defense. Michael Douglas defended Joe Biden, and the loveable Robert DeNiro, suffering from TDR himsels, will clearly tell you that "Self styled patriots" support the likes of Donald Trump, and he is disgusted by it. Hollywood has made it clear that they support Biden and helped him to Raise A Record $25 Million For His Reelection.

All of media is showing us what a threat to democracy the other guy Trump is. They have been clearly telling us for over a year that Trump Is "Dangerous To Our Democracy" Everywhere you turn, we've been warned. Trump thinks that he's a political prisoner thanks to President Biden, but Biden responded with class, he just smiled.

This administration has made it clear that they would never dream of going after their opponent. When asked if Biden was going after Trump he didn't say a word, he only smiled. Even Robert Kennedy Jr. Calls for Secret Service Detail then says that Biden's administration won't grant it. Kennedy even went so far to city people accessing his property with the intent to kill him. He's just a bit paranoid. What does he think will happen? He's no one special. His uncle and dad were not available for comment.

Stories about Biden's mental acuity suffers from glaring problems. Even during the 2020 campaign when Trump's campaign kept insisting that something wasn't right, they were gaslighting you. Headlines like this one that said, Biden isn't in the basement, but the Trump campaign keeps saying so," were glaringly false. Biden was out and about like he is now. But what scares Dems? I have no idea. There's nothing wrong with this guy.

Even Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House M.D. for President Obama spoke up with concern. But then he was sent a strongly worded email from Obama expressing 'disappointment' over Biden criticism. Jackson thinks that something in science says that Biden isn't well, but we are done with science, that's so 2019. We need to just step back and quit picking on the guy. He has been proven to be able to handle himself. Sure he won't be charged in classified docs case because special counsel cites instances of 'poor memory,' but that story too is all a bunch of malarky.

How long has Biden been in politics? Just a mere 50 years, more than half his life. How he got here, or better yet how he's stayed here is remarkable. In spite of all of the 'Cheapfake' Biden videos that enrapture right-wing media, Biden is still standing, and Jill praises him for it.

There were folks upset about the deceptive Biden G7 video that kept going viral. What we saw, wasn't REALLY what we saw. Biden was just wandering off to chat with someone off screen. You can see the kind lady retrieving him. Even when President Obama guided Joe off stage following the Hollywood fundraiser and Dr. Jill Biden guided him to the edge of the stage and down one step following the debate reminds us that we need to understand the use of cheap fake video. We know that Joe doesn't need help.

It's time that all of this fake news that's being reported by the right, should note that we the people are NOT going to pay attention to what you show us. We're onto you! How DARE you!

Biden has turned this country around with his leadership. We welcome the Chinese military-aged males who are flooding across the US border in record numbers arriving to help with that. The right would like you to believe that DHS identified over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network. It's all a cheap fake, remember that. Stories from ICE about Human Trafficking and Smuggling are not true, but again, all cheap fake stories.

Other cheap fake stories include gas price history don't believe that prices were only this high when President Obama was in office, it's a ploy by the right to try to get you to believe that. And groceries? Girl, the Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says She's Not Seeing It so let's all quit pretending it's real.

There is some discussion about trying to find a way to remove him following the debate, but come on, it wasn't that serious, Kamala Harris pointed out that President Biden just had a slow start. The guys on the far right at the Daily Wire said that he also had "a slow finish, a slow middle." But again, THEY are on the right, don't listen to them!

After Dr. Jill was able to get Joe off the stage she did what we we're all wanting to do. She praised him for 'answering EVERY question,' I mean, we were all holding our breath and thinking that too! He was able to stay awake, stand, blink occasionally AND he answered ALL the questions! This is our leader!

Now, let's be honest. The country has waited so long to have its first woman president. It's Kamala's turn to step up. She could break three glass ceilings at once. Being a woman, black and Asian she could do what Shirley Chisholm was unable to do in 1972. Ms. Chisholm was no doubt a brilliant candidate but I'm unsure if she could hold a candle to Kamala. Kamala can speak to Culture like no one else, she loves yellow school buses and is brilliant when sharing advice with school children.

After four years of experience leading as Vice President, we shouldn't worry if Biden can't for some unexpected and unexplained reason lead us. She has shown us what can be unburdened by what has been.

Maxine Waters is also ready in case Trump loses. She's going to ask the Justice Department and the President to tell us what they are going to do to protect us from the right wing organizations he's connected to, that are training up in the hills somewhere. So avoid the hills around election time folks. Stay in the flat areas.

When Joe wins again in 2024 we shouldn't forget how dangerous and what a threat to democracy the other guy is. We need to protect ourselves as Liberal media pundits, Democratic lawmakers worry Trump will throw them in jail, and place them in 'massive camps'. The media has done their job. They have NOT been gaslighting us for the last four years. They have been honest and dug into the facts of Biden's health. They've done all they could do to not highlight the fact that Biden Called a Lid Before Noon Following Attack on Israel, and most days have been like that.

Biden is fighting for everyone. He's against the tobacco industry and their immunity to a prostitute being sued, his exact words.

It's funny how when Trump was in office we never left billions in equipment in Afghanistan, or had 13 soldiers killed, had the Ukraine vs. Russia thing going on, or had Chinese spy balloons flying over, our Jose Antonio Ibarra, killing Laken Riley and 12 year old girls being raped and killed by illegals or Russian Warships In Sight Of Miami, or a slew of other things happening. Things were quiet, well, except for peaceful protests where people inside our own country were burning the place down.

But at least we now have our democracy. We have America as Biden so eloquently described in a single word, "Asufutimaehaehfutbw."

No worries here. I know he will be coming up with a plan to protect us, between naps.


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GB July 2, 2024, 4:11 am Very well stated! This says it all. Is anyone truly believe they did not see all of these things in Biden before the debate?
Most Americans knew Biden was this bad before the debate.
The scary thing is, who the in the hell is running this country? We know it's not Biden. The thing that shocks me is, how the liberal media can act as this is some sort of suprise!
If Biden was our father, wouldn't we take his car keys away??? Why in the world would we give this clown the keys to our nation's nukeclear arsenal??? The Far Left, has gone off the deep end. They have had a clown show running this country since Biden took office..
PK July 2, 2024, 12:30 pm When I taught 7-12 grade English, I had 7th graders with a better vocabulary than our VP Harris. I recall that someone remarked that she had a "salad" vocabulary. How true!! She "tossed" words around like some of the 7.5 million of Joe's illegal immigrants. [This should make my point exceptionally clear!!]

President Harris??? I need some hair gel to hold down the hair standing up on the back of my neck.
Biden mumbles...Harris tries to recall words from her thesaurus that she opened once...and Karine John-Pierre does her best to bury the "truth." [I wasn't aware of that or I'll have to look that up.]

TP July 2, 2024, 1:00 pm Seen this today - Advice to Democrats & Liberals:

When your horse dies, it's time to dismount.
JS July 2, 2024, 7:17 pm Don't believe your lying eyes. That's what they will be saying next.
PK July 3, 2024, 6:56 am America is NOT a foreign country. We DO NOT NEED a "figurehead" ruling us with an iron fist!!! What we need is a leader with a strong mind and a strong voice and a conviction to benefit OUR AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! A "figurehead" stands on a balcony high above those he rules and demands respect or else. A President of the USA sits at his desk or has a fireside chat and promotes a feeling of trust and support from the country's citizens.

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