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Watch live at; 1-646-931-3860 Webinar ID: 891 3536 8369

1. Call to order and roll call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approve agenda

4. Consent Agenda

a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of August 22, 2024

b. Receive & file Airport meeting minutes of August 21, 2024

c. Approval of City invoices

5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances

6. Committee Reports

7. Citizen's Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting,

but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit your presentation to 3 minutes.)

8. Old Business

a. Approval of quote from Tomlinson Cannon for gutter replacement on City Hall

9. New Business

a. First consideration of ordinance 1101 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to pedestrians' right-of-way

b. First consideration of ordinance 1102 - an ordinance adding a new section pertaining to adult establishment nuisances

c. First consideration of ordinance 1103 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to electronic meetings

d. First consideration of ordinance 1104 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operating budget preparation

e. First consideration of ordinance 1105 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to publication of minutes

f. First consideration of ordinance 1106 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to bond requirements

g. First consideration of ordinance 1107 - an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to fire officials' authority to cite violations

h. Approval of resolution to approve tax abatement of the City portion of taxes for Edwards Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning

i. Approval of resolution approving request for abatement of accrued property taxes and exemption from taxation on property owned by the City of Vinton from date of City acquisition forward (Parcel ID: 24052650)

j. Approval of resolution approving request for abatement of accrued property taxes and exemption from taxation on property owned by the City of Vinton from date of City acquisition forward (Parcel ID: 24092925)

k. Approval of resolution to declare certain City property as surplus property

l. Approval of resolution to approve cost share proposal with Abdo Financial Solutions

m. Approval of resolution approving issuance and use of credit cards for official purchases

n. Approval of resolution to allow permission for the sale of certain real property by Vinton Braille School LLC (corrective)

o. Approval of pay estimate #7 to Woodruff Construction for WWTP improvements

p. Approval of change order to Rathje Construction for West 1st Street Reconstruction

q. Approval of pay estimate #8 to Rathje Construction for West 1st Street Reconstruction

r. Acceptance of West 1st Street Reconstruction project with Rathje Construction

s. Approval of quote from Schminke Excavating for Marvin Lindsey water project

t. Approval of materials quote from Dakoda Supply Group for Marvin Lindsey water project

u. Approval of special event application for Nathan's Miles Glow Run - October 12

v. Set a date and time for trick or treating

10. Reports

11. Good & Welfare

12. Adjournment


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