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Dear Editor,

John Deere has làid off hundreds of employees in Waterloo and perhaps in Moline. The company is moving some manufacturing to Mexico.

Trump will impose tariffs, and that's exactly what a President should do.

America first. Protect union workers.

John Stiegelmeyer


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GB September 24, 2024, 11:56 pm Exactly! Watch Trump start pressuring American companies to bring the jobs back to this country. He did it before when he was President. He will do it again. God willing, change is coming..
RB September 25, 2024, 1:19 pm Manufacturing jobs have been brought back since Trump was president. Do you realize that tariffs on imported goods are paid by our citizens?
MH September 25, 2024, 3:32 pm John Deere CEO was paid $26,000,000 last year. That could go a long ways to pay employees.
DL September 25, 2024, 3:38 pm John Deere has made $2 billion worth of investment upgrades, since 2019,in Des Moines, Moline, Kernersville, NC and Waterloo. They are currently making plans to move 3 unskilled jobs to its Mexico plant. Those are Cab Assembly, Skid Steer Production and Compact Loader Production. Those are not affecting the Waterloo layoffs. Much like just before COVID hit, Manufacturing and Construction Sectors are the first to see the affects of an economic slowdown. That's what we are seeing now. Although Construction will remain strong, because of the Inflation Reduction Bid that was passed a couple of years ago.

As for the jobs brought back, in the last 8 years. The manufacturing sector had a net loss of job creation, during Trump's term. He loved to talk about jobs that he was bring back to our soil, but the only one that actually showed any promise was the FoxCon plant in Wisconsin. There was a lot of construction done on that sight. But, FoxCon backed out on the deal. Statistically, since 1980, there have been a net of 51 million jobs created. The split is 50 million during Democrats terms, and 1 million during Republican terms. Over those 44 years, Republicans held office in 24 years, and Democrats 20 years. That's including the 16 million jobs created under Reagan.
GB September 25, 2024, 10:23 pm DL, Trump lives rent free in your head. You may as well put a Trump sign up in the yard too.
DL September 26, 2024, 6:16 am GB, if Trump "pressures" companies to bring jobs back to our soil, it will be one of the steps towards dictatorship. Our government doesn't make business decisions for private companies. That would be the antithesis of Capitalism.

I've know that Trump is a con artist, for 40 years. You don't realize, after 60 years, that he is a con artist. By definition, it's your head that he's in.
ME September 26, 2024, 6:50 am Trump made the same promise in 2016, then Ford & Carrier both went ahead and moved manufacturing out of the country. He threatened Toyota, who went ahead and built the factory in question in Mexico.

Corporations don't care - if he follows through, they'd just pass the additional cost to us, the consumers.

Nobody ever accused cults of being intelligent.
GB September 26, 2024, 9:53 pm DL,
Just about every single comment you post trashes Trump and anything that does not, slants way left. The space between your little ears is filled with everything Trump. Like it or not, Trump is a big part of your world. Clearly the life you live rotates around Trump. It can be very entertaining.
RL September 30, 2024, 1:16 pm I find it interesting to watch my conservative/Republican friends come out in favor of tariffs, while my liberal/Democrat friends are now arguing against them. The world appears to have been turned upside down.
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