Dear Editor, This is an overview of the project by the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think tank) none of their positions are cast in stone they are ONLY recommendations. The left has been critical of the project but has never offered reasons why. The Foundation proposes a project yearly for the benefit of Conservative Lawmakers. The left-leaning foundations probably do the same on a yearly basis. I'm not sure why there is so much teeth grinding over either papers. This past election proved once more the people chose populism over Progressive Marxism. In President Trump's first term, he was behind in choosing competent people for his administration. He was in the beginning a slow learner and as Heritage points out it came together in the last year - too late to make a good mark on the next campaign. Anyway the forward follows, thus:

Heritage Foundation Project 2025 - January 31. 2023

Key Takeaways

1. It's past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right.

2. The policy book Mandate for Leadership represents the work of more than 350 leading conservatives and outlines a vision of conservative success.

3. The usual suspects in the permanent political class will be ready for the next conservative administration. Will we be ready for them?


When conservatives do finally make it into an administration, they often don't know what to do or how to seize the gears of power effectively.

With the Biden administration half over and with the immediate dangers inherent to one-party rule in Washington behind us for now, it's past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right. For decades, as the left has continued its march through America's institutions, conservatives have been outgunned and outmatched when it comes to the art of government.

One reason is because the Republican establishment never moved on from the 1980s. Beltway conservatives still prioritize supply-side economics and a bellicose foreign policy above all else. Belief in small government, strangely enough, has manifested itself in a belief among some conservatives that we should lead by example and not fill all political appointments. Belief in the primacy of the national security state has caused conservative administrations to defer political decisions to the generals and the intelligence community.

The result has been decades of disappointment.

Fortunately, this situation is changing. The conservative movement increasingly knows what time it is in America. More and more of our politicians are willing to use the government to achieve our vision, because the neutrality of "keeping the government out of it" will lose every time to the left's vast power. The calls for a "new Church Committee" represent a momentous shift in energy; while conservatives used to lament liberal Sen. Frank Church's original project as a kooky leftist attack against "The Brave Men And Women of Our Intelligence Community," we're now the ones agitating for Congress to go after the three-letter agencies.

This new vigor of the right can be found at Project 2025. Organized by the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 has brought together 45 (and counting) right-of-center organizations that are ready to get into the business of restoring this country through the combination of the right policies and well-trained people. The Project's foundation is built on four interconnected pillars.

>>> Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project

The first pillar, the upcoming production of the policy book Mandate for Leadership, represents the work of more than 350 leading conservatives and outlines a vision of conservative success at each federal agency during the next administration. Presidential candidates won't be able to ignore what the conservative movement demands in this book.

The second is our online personnel database. This "Conservative LinkedIn" will launch in March and will provide an opportunity for rock-solid conservatives to place themselves in contention for roles in the next administration. This pillar will bring Mr. (and Mrs.) Smith to Washington.

The third is our Presidential Administration Academy. When conservatives do finally make it into an administration, they often don't know what to do or how to seize the gears of power effectively. Through their action, inaction, and their encyclopedic knowledge of volumes of technicalities about the federal workforce, certain career federal employees are masterful in tripping us up. Our interactive, on-demand training sessions will change that. They will turn future conservative political appointees into experts in governmental effectiveness.

The fourth and final pillar of Project 2025 is our Playbook, which will take the policy ideas expressed in Mandate for Leadership and transform them into an implementation plan for each agency to advocate to the incoming administration. What regulations and executive orders must be signed on Day One? Where are the greatest needs for more political appointees? How can we effectively use the mechanisms of government to face our most challenging problems? Our Playbook will put our movement to work answering questions like these.

In November 2016, American conservatives stood on the verge of greatness. The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was a triumph that offered the best chance to reverse the left's incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration, after our political appointees had finally figured out the policies and process of different agencies, and after the right personnel were finally in place.

The usual suspects in the permanent political class will be ready for the next conservative administration. Will we be ready for them? That's where Project 2025 comes in. We have two years, and one chance, to get this right.

This piece originally appeared in The American Conservative

Respectfully submitted

John Stiegelmeyer



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jt December 12, 2024, 11:10 am Wait and see....Lots of bold promises were given during the campaign. Some of the cabinet picks are already deemed unqualified by congressional standards. What were those accomplishments during the last year of Trump administration? I think the majority of voters saw a chaotic reaction to the Covid pandemic and fatigue over his unpredictable actions, thus he was voted out of office. Four years later he was able to rally, use his bully pulpit, use the corporate money, and find a new set of voters that were not of voting age in 2020. The loudest bullhorn over the 4 years of campaigning seemed to have worked for him. Now, let's wait for his actions to affect our country. It didn't work the first time around and I have my doubts this time also.
ME December 12, 2024, 11:48 am The last year of Trump's first term was... 2020.

If that was the year he finally figured it out, we're in some deep doo-doo.

(Keep at it - this is fun to watch!)
RB December 12, 2024, 12:56 pm John you are delusional! Just a history lesson for you. Clinton rescued the economy from Bush 1 and handed Bush 2 a budget surplus. Bush 2 handed Obama an economy near collapse that was shedding 700,000 jobs per month. Obama handed Trump an economy featuring 72 straight months of job creation. Trump handed Biden an economy shut down and the root causes of inflation, besides corporate greed, was a supply chain that was broken. Biden led the economy through that mess and created 16+million jobs and our economy is the envy of the world again. My guess, since Republicans are blind to history, the next Democrat will be bailing the country out again. Project 2025 will be terrible for the a country that believes in the rule of law, Democracy, and the Constitution. Of course, it will be led by a convicted felon and sex offender that couldn't enter a school building yet can be president. Wake up John because they will be coming for guys like you and me next.
JS December 12, 2024, 5:59 pm Braden: Getting your underwear into a knot does not help your cause. You look but don't see - Hear but do not understand. I don't need a biased history lesson from you I lived through that time and suffered the good and the bad. Every tact that Biden took was not necessary and made the down turn in the economy worse. Shots were to make us immune to COVID. Both Sharon and I got Influenza A and got COVID twice. Also we were supposed to wear those ridiculous masks. As a smart friend indicated "How many mosquitoes does a chain link tense stop - none" that's illustrates how effective theses masks were in stooping a minuscule virus. Dumb acts by Dr. Fauci and Collins and other criminal acts they accomplished should be investigated. Young people did not need the vaccine. Physically fit Soldiers did not need the vaccine and should not have been discharged for refusing to take the shot. All your bluster just shows how wrong and uncompromising you and your CULT is. Many small businesses went into bankruptcy and were forced to quit - while casinos, liquor stores, and others stayed open -- that shows how smart becomes dumb. Robert Kennedy Jr. goes into detail in his latest book the errors of the medical hierarchy. Clinical physicians were having success with off label medicines but were forced to quit or risking losing their license. ridicorvor infusion were ineffective and cost $6,500 per treatment. In some cases caused severe side effects. The veintilators - great only a 20% chance of survival. Stupid is as stupid does. Yes we will see the out comings of this new Administration - What will you say or do if The Donald is successful??? Progressive Marxist are on the wrong side of WE THE PEOPLE and should END. Democrats you must remake your Party!!!
Regards and blessings
John Stiegelmeyer
DL December 12, 2024, 9:08 pm Steigelmeyer,
History only happened one way. We don't live in multiple dimensions. Although Maga is trying hard to recreate the world. I can't believe you're still telling lies about COVID. The vaccine was NEVER expected to make anyone immune to the virus. No vaccine has ever had that expectation. It only earns that reputation over time. Ventilators were only used on patients, as a last attempt to save their lives. Of course many people died after being on one. There is absolutely no truth in your lie about the young and healthy not needing the vaccine. There were many fit, young people among the million+ people that died. As for you quoting RFK Jr. on the medical profession. That's a good example of the blind cultist following a blind cultist. You're now sounding as delusional as your cult leader.
RS December 12, 2024, 10:05 pm John,
What a load of crap! You are trying to rewrite history.

The Covid 19 pandemic became apparent to the health community in early 2020 under Trump’s term. All that occurred; the masks, the shutdowns, the closing of schools and businesses, the first payments to us began under Trump.

Because he downplayed the significance of the pandemic for no other reason that it made him look bad, thousands of Americans died and thousands more, like yourself, were infected.

Trump proudly came up with project warped speed to get a vaccine developed as soon as possible. As I recall, most everyone were lauding his efforts and he told us ad-nauseum that he was responsible for the quickness of the vaccine development. Now since RFK Jr. has come aboard, Trump is distancing himself from that effort and demonizing those you did the research and development of the vaccine.

No one promised that taking the vaccine would prevent Covid but that if you were to come down with it that the symptoms would be less severe resulting in fewer deaths. Since you are still around to depart your wisdom on us, I guess the vaccine worked.

To remind you for what occurred in 2020 and the beginning of 2021 when Trump was president, here is a listing of his notable comments to jog your memory.

Again you can have your opinions but you can not change the facts.

Rosemary Schwartz
BK December 13, 2024, 7:27 pm Covid-19 . . . the largest domestic psyop in American history. SMH . . . I'm proudly unvaccinated - not had a vaccine since 1989 and my retirement from the military. Yep, got covid and my natural immunity has, indeed, protected me for the past 4+years. As for whether Biden ever made any guarantees about the vaccines . . . let's "go to the tape" . . .

Just for the record . . . the vaccines do not prevent Covid, masks do not now nor have the ever prevented any virus of any kind - including Covid and social distancing was a farce. Just sayin' . . .
GB December 15, 2024, 11:10 pm John, I always enjoy reading your opinions. It is interesting but not surprising how the Fan Club of the Biden Crime Family always fail to say anything about the failed policies of Biden and Harris. They failed to call out the freak show of cabinet members on the Biden team that made this country a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Most of Biden's administration belonged in a mental institution. The clown show is about over and I thank God it is!
As far as I am concerned, those who can honestly make a claim about how great the last four years have been are either fools or have been living under a rock somewhere. They worked hard to destroy their credibility with most of us who read Vinton Today.
Their hateful and disrespectful speech towards John and anyone else who dares to disagree with them with facts is vulgar and reflects their character. When RS mocked John's military service it showed her true colors and her hatred for every veteran and America. She must be very lonely and starved for attention.
JS December 16, 2024, 2:21 pm I am thinking that “Vinton Today” needs a new rule implemented that states that any group of people numbering two or more who continue to engage in back and forth “name calling” or “one upping” because of political differences in the editorial section must spend a minimum of four hours together in a locked room before they are allowed to submit another editorial.
If they refuse to do so, then they must do what they were “supposed” to learn in Kindergarten; “If you can’t speak your difference of opinion with respect, then shut the hell up!”