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Dear Editor and to all who responded to the last two articles by RS.

It was great to see so many correct responses to the biased left. I indeed criticized the Biden administration for all the errors and their malfeasance in office. That is the right of citizens to petition their government--- first amendment.

There will be no need for me to criticize Republicans, for the leftists/Marxist will do that no doubt. It is now up to the Republican Congress to show they can govern. So far they have shown great promise as has President Trump.

Note: I may be wrong but I will never lie to you the readers you have my word.

Regards,John Stiegelmeyer Vinton


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CC January 27, 2025, 6:53 pm Kudos to you John. MAGA
GB January 27, 2025, 10:25 pm "There are but two parties now. Traitors and Patriots." (General Ulysses S. Grant)

RS and DL, Trump is your President as much as he is our President.
Despite a sham 2020 election, endless lies and fake news about Russian interference, lawfare by a corrupt DOJ and the most corrupt President in American history and two attempts on Trump's life, President Trump took everything the Left threw at him and won! The man has character and a determination we needed after the crap show of the last four years. I believe God protected President Trump and make no mistake. Like it or not America is back and the freak show is out!
RB January 28, 2025, 1:02 pm I read some of the answers to RS post. First she is dead on. Good job! John, no one expects you to criticize Trump which means you approve of a convicted felon and rapist. I read some of the other responses but had to stop when I read Trump has character. He has the character of a slime ball. Do you really want your kids or grandkids modeling Trump. Do you want your daughters or granddaughters saying a scum like Trump? If you do, God help you!

DC January 28, 2025, 6:15 pm I've found a big problem with these pages is reading comprehension. I replied to RS in her Proud? opinion post. I said "Look at him(Trump) at a meeting in Palisades California, moving at the Speed of Light. The former President would have been in bed or moving at the Speed of Turtle, as usual....."In her next article "I Had To Do It" she says she has to correct me again, and that I insisted that Trump has been the first President to go to California and pay attention to them. Where did she come up with that???REALLY???...READING COMPREHENSION IS REAL. Maybe there is a secret code I'm not familiar with. Also she says I don't believe in fact checking. I don't believe in everything the Left Owned Media says as they lie and play cover up for their side. People lose their credibility when they post links to articles such as what the Des Moines Register and the CREDIBLE ANN POULTER said about the polls in the Presidential election.IT WAS LIES. I can find a link for anything I believe is true if I look hard enough. Credibility is GONE when lies are posted.

And practice reading comprehension before the next sermon.


GB January 28, 2025, 9:40 pm Great point Dave. It's very frustrating to attempt to have an intelligent conversation with people who are so overwhelmed with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are obsessed with President Trump. Yet looking at how they actually view the world with a perverted mindset where they actually believe boys can be girls and girls can be boys, men can have babies and that Unicorns really exist. They suffer from a mental illness. They literally can't stand to live in their own skin. Their miserable existence should should motivate them to seek professional help.
They will be quick to criticize anyone for voting for common sense by voting for Trump while calling him a felon from a sham trial and yet support the most corrupt President in the history of our country, WHO HAD TO PARDON HIS ENTIRE FAMILY ON HIS WAY OUT THE DOOR!
Biden is a corrupt looser who should be tried for treason.
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