You won't find many people more critical of virtually all of modern American entertainment than me.

I consider most of our movies, TV shows and music to be lame, unoriginal and simply dull, if not outright intelligence insulting.

But once in a while someone writes something unique or inspiring, and they are rewarded for their efforts.

Lately, it seems, country music has gotten more silly and pathetic (if that is possible).

But the number one song this week (again) is one that you all should hear: "The House That Built Me" by a lady named Miranda Lambert.

Most of her songs aren't my style (although as a former newspaper guy I can identify with "Famous in a Small Town") but this new one is simply amazing.

I spent last year working on a house like the one in the video (see it HERE). My grandfather lived there for decades; my father was born there. We spent countless weekends and holidays there growing up. I remember learning about pancakes and gardens and Dominoes and how Dristan makes allergies better and how Grandma could make her own butter.

Unlike the lady in the song, however, I don't have to travel back to visit the house that built me. I own it now, that my dad and grandfather are gone.

But every time I hear that song, it reminds me of that house. And although I was doing the rebuilding last year, it took a stranger to remind me who was really benefitting most from those efforts.

Hearing songs like this remind me of advice from an old editor to a well-known newspaper columnist in the early stage of his career: This is good. Do more.

I am too cynical to expect that one incredible song will turn around the modern American entertainment world. The next No. 1 will probably be pathetic.

But for a few moments anyway, we have a chance to hear a song that for so many of us, literally and figuratively, hits home.


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