Dear Editor,
As Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy sat watching the Biden/Trump debate, the end finally arrived. Dr. McCoy leaned over and looked Captain Kirk in the eye saying . . . "It's dead Jim, the Biden Administration is dead".
And so it was, as the strings directing the marionette that was President Biden were cut and remained disconnected for the entire 90 minutes. Finally, the elderly old man with mid to late-stage dementia brought about by Parkinson's was on full display, with the puppet master that had been directing his actions since the "shelter in the basement" campaign no longer in control.
It was shocking for a couple reasons. First, that the Biden campaign was stupid enough to allow the debate to take place at all. The only thing I can come up with is that they were finally buying their own lies and the lies of the MSM - that Joe was "sharp as a tack - never better!" I saw nothing different in his demeanor this week than I had seen in the runup to the 2020 election. There was little doubt that the "basement campaign' benefited Biden in 2020, he's always been an extremely dull knife - never a sharp tack. He came off exactly as I've seen him over the past 5-6 years. Who it did shock seems to be the entirety of the Democrat family . . . at least those who have been unwilling to be honest with themselves and each other. All I can say is "welcome to the real world."
So where do things go from here. Well, first it should serve as a harsh reminder that primaries serve a real purpose - is separates the "wheat from the chaff" . . . and Biden, at this point in his life, is chaff. By the leaderships willingness to put forward the "marionette" as the ONLY Democrat candidate "they" - read Obama, Clinton, Jarrett, Schumer - maintained control of the office and the direction of the party. The "only" people cut out of the equation during this year's primary season were those defined by the phrase "We the People". The Democrat electorate had no say in who would represent them - period. Now, today, with the 2024 election in the balance the Democrat party is where it is because of the Obama, Clinton, Jarrett, Schumer cabal. Good luck with that. My suspicion is that Biden is deluded enough and mentally incapacitated enough that self-reflection is impossible, and he will press forward regardless. That will end badly for the Democrat party - and can be laid solely at the feet of the OCJS cabal.
With the SCOTUS's ruling this week about Presidential immunity - virtually all the lawfare brought against Trump is pretty much indefinitely on hold as his specific actions will need to be fully adjudicated before any kind of sentencing can be carried out. My suspicion is that the zombie hush money trial in New York will die the grizzly death it's always deserved. As a side note, the SCOUTS finding may well save Biden from various and sundry charges of accessory to murder for his open border policies allowing millions of violent criminals into our country. After all, his policies were implemented while he was president and immunity would certainly then apply to him.
So that leaves the left with trying to figure out a way to handle Trump. Again, as the SCOTUS finding on immunity was released, it seems a path to take care of Trump is beginning to be presented more and more . . . according to the Huffington Post, Biden can simply have him assassinated. Easy, peasy. While the vast majority of US citizens - especially those who didn't live through America's last assassination season that claimed JFK, Bobbie Kennedy and Martin Luther King - may be shocked at this off-handed suggestion, I believe they should be taken quite seriously. Remember, Biden has allowed approximately 10 MILLION unknown, unvetted people into our country - including IISIS members, HAMAS members, millions of hardened criminals and over 24,000 thousand Chinese males of military age. Add to that the return to not sharing threat information about individuals between departments and the makings of the next 9/11 are already within our borders - many times over. (Has none of the folks read the 9/11 report???) If any of these individuals want to wreak havoc in the 2024 election, the assassination of Trump and pining it on the Democrat Party would take us off the world stage for a significant length of time. I am praying there are patriots in our nation's leadership and military paying attention. If not, and this should occur, there will be one individual to be held accountable - Joe Biden.
As a nation, we are in real peril. Perhaps more so now than at any other time in my 74 years. It is all due to the power-hungry actions of the leadership of the Democrat party. Something to keep in mind as we watch the coming election season unfold. It's going to be a profoundly bumpy ride.
Bill Keller
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You are 110% correct!! We are a nation in peril. And thank you "bunches" for stating the illegal immigrants in this country are over 10 million. They are costing us a fortune and ruining our way of life.
What was Biden thinking? OOPS...Sorry, I guess he wasn't!!
How soon people forget! Bush 1 handed a serious recession to Clinton. Clinton handed a balanced budget to Bush 2. Bush 2 handed an economy near collapse to Obama. Obama handed 72 months of job creation to Trump. Trump handed a country shutdown and thousands and thousands dead from Covid because he ignored the facts about the novel virus. Biden has helped create 16 million jobs and oversaw unemployment at or under 4% for the longest time in fifty years. See a pattern? Want to give the keys back to the guy who wrecked the car the last time?
Five kids with three wives while having sex with a porn star? Sexual assault settlement, fraud Trump University, fraudulent Trump foundation, two billion "investment" from Saudi Arabia to his son-in-law, and the list could go on. yes, we need Hillary's emails and Hunter's laptop! Good Lord!
Anyone voting for Trump has lost their moral compass. 91 felonies and a conviction on 34 of them. Immunity? He still broke the friggin law! Doesn't that mean anything to Republicans?
Kiss our democracy goodby if Trump is the next President. I would vote for Biden in a permanent coma before the scum of the earth Trump.
Trump...I don't think so. Biden was too stupid to keep building the WALL. And his first day in office, he rolled back the border policies. AND they have been coming ever since. Oh, by the way, Trump left office with a 1.4% inflation rate. Fit that on your Biden!!
Perhaps the whole "illegal immigrants" thing is a distraction to keep you outraged. It's been better, it's been worse.
Even now the liberals are mad and not because they have been lied to by their own party but because things are not what they seemed to them.
Of course, they blame the Republicans and Trump. They have nothing else left! God forbid should they take a long hard look in the mirror and blame that person. Their "Law-fare" of the Justice Department and several state courts should alarm every American. Even the clowns. I am confident if members of the Democratic Party were on the receiving end of the unethical and illegal weaponization of the Judicial System, they would scream bloody murder.
I am not defending Trump either. Right is right and wrong is wrong. The Democrats gambled and conspired to bring these BS charges against Trump and it upset the majority of Americans. Biden was propped up and hid in his basement like a cowherd in the last election but I knew when I saw the Easter Bunny rescuing Biden from the crowd during the Whitehouse event that this country was in trouble.
I wish just one time, someone would have actually allowed Biden to wander off a long time ago. The Democrats created this mess and they kept up this lie to the American people. Now they only have more clowns jumping out of the car.
The radicals do not want to hear this but Kennedy would have been a much better choice to support rather than Biden. He made a lot more sense than the rest of them.
If anyone on the left is now complaining and blaming Republicans for the mess the Democrats created, I think it would be safe to say, they are the Cult members.