I believe there is a topic that we can all agree on. That is the topic of saving harmless little animals. The nation is rallying around a cute little rescued pair of animals. Well, they are rallying around the couple who owned Fred the raccoon and a squirrel named Peanut. Peanut was rescued at five weeks old when his mother was hit by a car seven years ago. The baby squirrel was taken in by Mark Lango and his wife The little fella was an internet sensation, with 600,000 followers until.

Until six officers from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Chemung County Department of Health ended all the happiness that Peanut brought to the world. The two animals were euthanized. In a statement the agencies said that it was illegal to keep wildlife as pets because they are "not well suited for life in captivity. Plus, they may carry diseases that can be given to people." The departments said that a member of the team was bitten so the animals had to be euthanized to test for rabies. Nevermind that the owners apparently don't suffer from rabies. But in the name of protecting everyone, they agencies are warning everyone who has been in contact with the animals to check with their physician. (Insert eyeroll here.)

The couple's Instagram following was just over 600,000 members strong and now is closing in on 700,000, you click this link to see Peanut The Squirrel in action. He sat on the windowsill next to the family cat, snuggled with his owner, caught rides in the owner's pocket, and was deemed such a dangerous squirrel. He shared the home of his owner Mark Lango and his wife. Fred took trips to Dunkin' Donut for a bit of whipped cream.

During the four hour search and seizure of the animals, the couples rescue horses were prevented from being fed and cared for. Mark said he was even escorted to the bathroom during this time and his wife was interrogated about her immigration status. You can bet she was made to prove her citizenship and the right for her to be here. I mean after all the criminals were harboring fugitives.

At one point the couple tried to release Peanut back into the wild. However, when the squirrel's tail was injured it came back to the house to be treated and has stayed with the couple since then.

Jake Blumencranz, a member of the New York Assembly is now working on a new law called Peanut's Law to protect future Peanuts in the state from this type of government overreach.

So there you have it. Six officers can show up at your door when you dare to teach your animals tricks and put them online. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know these animals do carry rabies. However, I'd guess after seven years, they probably don't have them.

The animals COULD have been released back into the wild rather than being killed, but nooo...bad squirrels and raccoons who bring a smile must be killed. Down with happiness!


-Someone who is not a fan of squirrels or raccoons, nor government agencies knocking on the door of my home.

I'm glad there is nothing else to worry about like maybe rats in NYC or something...


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GB November 4, 2024, 9:19 pm I wonder if RS and DL had something to do with this because they found out Peanut and the racoon supported Trump!
ME November 4, 2024, 11:33 pm No, they couldn't have been released. They tried with the squirrel, but they weren't trained or licensed rehabbers and it had become habituated to humans.

He had 7 years to get the proper training and paperwork. He didn't. The animals paid for his arrogance.