Vikette soccer defeats Raiders 5-0

VINTON - The Vinton-Shellsburg Vikette soccer teams honored its seniors with a 5-0 victory over the Williamsburg Raiders on the Karr Athletic Complex pitch on April 25. The Vikettes took a quick 3-0 lead with goals by Ashlie Meyer, Abby Davis and Grace Sutton.

The Vikettes will travel to Tama on April 29 to take on the South Tama Trojans, then to Dyersville on May 3 to take on the Beckman Catholic Blazers, then Alburnett as part of a girls'/boys' doubleheader, with no junior varsity, on May 5 against the Cedar Valley Christian Huskies, and then the Vinton-Shellsburg Girls/Boys home tournament, then to Fross Park in Center Point to take on the Center Point-Urbana Stormin' Pointers on May 10 and then to Spartan Stadium in Solon to take on the Solon Spartans.


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