Thursday night's City Council gathered, conducted business and they went home. After a 12 minute meeting the agenda was completed...which is faster than I'll be able to type this up!

The council was called to order. All councilmembers were present, Ron Hessenius, Rylie Pflughaupt, Tami Stark, Bethany Gates, Zach Parmater, Andrew Elwick as well as Mayor Bud Maynard and City Clerk Melissa Schwan.

Following the pledge of allegiance, the agenda and consent agenda was approved,

They received and filed the council meeting minutes, and VPRD minutes from March 14, 2024. They also received and filed the airport minutes from February 21 and March 20, 2024 as well as the library meeting minutes of February 14, 2024. They also received and filed communications and petitions or remonstrances.

The council also approved the city invoices.

Under Committee Reports, Councilmember Gates reported that there had been a Handbook Review Committee meeting and a discussion was held concerning the following topics:

-adding background checks as part of the hiring process

-standby pay for street department members when on-call for pending snowstorms

-clarifying if sick leave payout can be used for paying healthcare premiums following retirement

-the possibility of requiring payback of CDL certification if employees leave the city within a stated amount of time following certification

Also under reports, the Rental Code Committee met last Wednesday and provided a proposed code, including a self-checklist for the landlords and renters to sign and turn into the city. In discussions, the council indicated that the city inspector should be involved and if the committee could coordinate with the inspector to create a checklist, they would be comfortable with inspections being performed by the inspector.

Councilmembers Hessenius and Gates, Chad Christoph, Gary McKenna, and City Inspector Hanson met to finalize the list. The committee requested to send the list to the city attorney to create a proposed ordinance with plans to have the ordinance at the next meeting if it's ready.

There was no one in the audience or online for citizen's input.

The following was approved with the full consent of the council.

-Third consideration and adoption of ordinance 1099 -an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to solid waste collection and rates

- Resolution to fix a date for a public hearing on proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $14,298,000. A date was set for this hearing on April 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Tami Stark abstained from voting.

- Approval of resolution to authorize purchase of real estate (414 A Avenue)

- Approval of resolution to declare certain city property as surplus property this is regards to the mower that was listed by the airport.

- Approval of agreement for bridge inspections with Calhoun-Burns & Associates

- Approval of business improvement grant award to Ann Fry Gordon. Elwick abstained.

- Approval of special events application for Benton County Pride on June 15, 2024. Pflughaupt abstained.

- Approval of sidewalk reimbursement applications for 607 D Avenue and 1206 B Avenue

- A date of April 25, 2024 was set for a public hearing for the FY25 budget adoption

A discussion of US Cellular request for a water tower lease amendment was postponed until the city attorney could be present for questions.

Under reports, Schwan stated that she had talked to Nate Kass concerning the reconstruction of West 1st St. will begin on Monday. Part of the new street was created with materials that did not meet the requirements for the street. They will be torn up and replaced at the company's expense and NOT at the taxpayer's expense.

The lift station located next to the golf course is waiting for easements from adjoining landowners which is the only hold up on the project.

Matt Boggess of Vinton Parks and Rec shared that registration for the Summer Events through the department will begin on Monday. To check those out, Click HERE then check out the other information on their website while you're there!

The meeting adjourned.

There was no swearing. No witch hunts, no hard feelings between anyone. Thanks Vinton City Council for a boring, run of the mill meeting.

Huh, who knew?


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