Vinton Parks and Recreation leaders are still finalizing the details, but the Party in the Park Spazmatics concert and fireworks that were postponed in June will take place Sunday, Aug. 24.

More information will be available in the near future.

About the Spazmatics

The quartet proudly displays its nerdism while playing 80s-era rock favorites.

The Spazmatics have several different bands which play throughout the U.S., based in different cities. The Chicago Spazmatics will be coming to Vinton.

Drummer Peter Drefs says the group proudly "capture all the best of the worst" when it comes to the styles and themes people remember from the 1980s, in a stereoptypically "nerdy" fashion.

"Plus Louis, our singer, pulls out his Star Wars gear during the show and Shureman, our guitarist, is also into karate and demonstrates some moves on stage," says Drefs.

The group's biography appears below the video; note there is a very interesting, but fictional story about the group's origination that has been repeated on the Internet, but is refuted below.


Here’s our bio:

FICTION: In the spring of 1983, physics professor Louis Stigwood of Alta Dena High in Thousand Oaks California, lost a debate over String Theory to an upstart pupil in front of the entire student body and faculty. As agreed to by both parties, the loser would have to do anything that the winner demanded, and the victorious prodigy demanded that Mr. Stigwood perform "She Blinded Me With Science" by Thomas Dolby during half-time at an upcoming state basketball championship game.

Having no musical background and desperate to not go down in total humiliation, Professor Stigwood tapped the genius of electronics teacher Eugene MeeGene, who had achieved international acclaim in 1981 for his invention of "robot" drums. When MeeGene (who was also the girls water polo coach at Alta Dena Middle School) explained that most of the music could be generated by computers, and that all he needed was a couple of decent musicians to fill in the holes, Stigwood was ecstatic. To round out the lineup, Stigwood brought in his special needs brother, Gonzo on bass, and teacher's assistant, Shureman on guitar.

When the group took center court that evening, members of the hip elite began heckling them with jibes of "geek" and "nerd," while everyone else howled with laughter. But once they broke into the opening salvo of "Science," the nonbelievers were stunned by the group's authenticity of production, world class musicianship, and tight choreography. The performance came to a climax when Stigwood grabbed one of the cheerleaders and began doing the "Belinda" up and down the court with her in tow. When it was all over, the crowd rose in a standing ovation, and the Spazmatics were born.

FACT: From the creators of the Fabulous Afrodisiacs comes the Spazmatics. All the awesome sounds, styles, and way cool dance steps from the 1980's decade we'd love to forget. Complete with skinny ties, Brill Creamed hair, and horn-rimmed glasses, the Spazmatics recapture all the best of the worst. Outstanding musicianship combined with creative flair and style makes for an evening of pure energy and entertainment. So tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999; only it's not!

We play about 125 shows a year mainly in the Midwest but have travelled all over the country from San Diego to Boca Raton, San Antonio to the Twin Cities. We played RAGBRAI in ’13 as well.

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