Dear Editor,
I am livid!! So this editorial is necessary to keep my blood pressure from blowing off the chart.I remember when John Fetterman returned to the Senate after being on leave for depression. [Very admirable!] He walked into the Senate in shorts and a sweatshirt. I was say the least. Not exactly what my view of a United States Senator was, but I took into account that he was getting back into the groove.I don't want any excuses from him now. I saw a picture of him on FOX News standing at the podium recently, flanked to his left by two Senators in suits and to his right by two more Senators in suits. Pennsylvania's first term Senator had on a hoodie. [Tacky!] Then there was another picture of him with a scrub top on. Personally, I don't care to see a Senator's chest hair. One observer said he looked like a clown; but to my knowledge, he's not in any circus. Fetterman looked like a "thug." It appears as if he has a lack of respect for the decorum of the Senate. Obviously, he is not dressed for respect or success.!I remember, when I was in high school, watching Walter Cronkite on the evening news as my family and I ate supper. Any news about the House or the Senate showed men in suits and ties. That's the way it was, and the way it should be now.In this period in our country, Senators and members of the House are under more scrutiny than perhaps ever before. These men and women, for the most part, are both elected and respected by Americans. They are more visible to us now than ever. I believe that these men and women, in their manner of dress, display their attitudes toward their work that we elected them to do. A casual or sloppy appearance appears to display a negative impact on what is expected by them. I believe that the appropriate attire, that has been displayed for decades in the Senate and the House, has created a quiet unstated respect for the members of Congress.WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH TRADITION???Peggy Kelley


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PW September 20, 2023, 12:56 pm And where did these go: thank you. You are welcome. May I instead of can I. Please. Opening doors for anyone older then you. Or was it, younger then you!
TH September 20, 2023, 1:04 pm Frankly, if they showed up in flip flops and Hawaiian shirts and stopped wasting my tax dollars, I’d be thrilled!
PK September 20, 2023, 4:24 pm PW...Went to lunch today with a friend. One of two boys held the door open for both of us. After I got over the shock, I smiled and thanked him. WOW...Someone at home taught him about respect for his elders.
JO September 21, 2023, 1:34 pm Dear Editor

I believe in dress for the occasion. I worked as a telemarketer for years, we could wear jeans and tshirts if we were doing direct tv, for Wells Fargo busines lines of credit it was business casual. Different mindset!

I have thought about our city government many times. My opinion is that for a few on the council, they look as if they just left the bar. I believe that at least a collared shirt for the males and nice top or blouse for the ladies. There job is important and ask "Should they dress and give the appearance that they to know the importance of their job?"
If they are going to install cameras I believe it is important that they dress for the occasion. Council meetings 2 times per month wouldn't break their bank for clothes and if they feel it would.. I would ask for a clothing stipend for them. I'm sure they could find some cash for that.
This is the opinion section and of course this is just my opinion. I would like to know if anyone else has a similar opinion? Thanks for letting me share.