4th Street Diner

HACAP North Benton Center

202 East Fourth St

Vinton, IA 52349


Serving Buffet from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Sunday thru Friday. Everyone is WELCOME! Suggested contribution for individuals 60 years old or older, and their accompanying spouse (regardless of age) is $3.25 for the meal. Individuals who are not yet 60 are WELCOME but need to pay $4.25 directly to the site manager for their meal. If you are just coming for the activity, the suggested contribution is $1.00. Carryout meals are available.

Hot Home Delivered Meals are available Sunday thru Friday in Vinton. The suggested contribution is $3.75/meal if you are 60 or older. For those under age 60, the suggested contribution is $4.50/meal. Please call by 10:00 AM daily to cancel or add a Home Delivered Meal. For more information about services, please call 319-472-4761, or to reserve a table for groups of three or more. We also have nutritious frozen meals and liquid supplements; delivery is available throughout Benton County.

All contributions are used toward the continued operations of the meal site.

Each month the 4th St Diner has a birthday celebration on the second Tuesday. Anyone having a birthday for that particular month is encouraged to make a reservation for themselves and any guests they would like to celebrate with. The names of all birthday celebrants who have made a reservation for the Birthday Table are entered into a drawing for a free 4thStreet Diner meal. Reservations for the Birthday Dinner table can be made by calling 472-4761 and need to be made before 10:00 AM on the day of celebration.


On Monday, November 3rd, games of pepper cards were played. After the games, refreshments were served by the card club. HACAP provided the beverages.

On Tuesday, November 4th, the afternoon activity was Surprise Bingo with Linda Lough as the caller. Game one was a straight bingo in the B column with Bert McNitt winning a movie set. Game two was two straight bingos in the B & I columns with Wanda McNitt winner the free meal certificate. Game 3 was 3 straight bingos in the B, I & N columns with George Eckhart winning Playing Cards and Christmas Cards. Game 4 was 4 straight bingos in the B, I, N & G columns with Elsie Knaack winning coffee and candy. Game 5 was Blackout with Oma Eckhart winning a turkey themed pin and earrings set.

On Wednesday, November 5th, the afternoon activity was 10-Cent Bingo. Delane Kalina was the volunteer caller; Elsie Knaack handpicked the games. Game one was a Frame the Card with Jack Oliphant and Lorraine Fix winning. Game two was the Wild # with 3 Bingos with Marion as the winner. Game three was a Stair Steps with Irene Geiger winning. Game four was Frame the Free & Four Corners with Mae Wilhelmi winning. George Eckhart won game five-Blackout.

On Friday, November 7th, the afternoon activity was a 500 Card party. There were five tables of players. Leroy Wieser won first place with 3,190 points. Margaret Fuehrer won second place with 3,120. Third place went to Marjorie Foster with 2,980 points. After the games, refreshments were served by the card club. HACAP provided the beverages.

On Monday, November 10th, the afternoon activity included games of Pepper. There were three tables of players. Don Selken won 1st place with 304 points. Irene Geiger won 2ndplace with 263 points. Bud Barr won 3rd place with 252 points. After the games, refreshments were served by the card club. HACAP provided the beverages.

On Tuesday, November 11th, we celebrated November birthdays with Stuart Gulick providing the musical entertainment. Madeline Duncklee, Marvel Netzer, Pauline Bettinger, Paul Coyle, Sylvia Schoonover, Jo Dvorak, and the Vinton Legion Auxiliary celebrated their birthdays. Paul Coyle was the lucky winner of the free meal certificate.

On Wednesday, November 12, the afternoon activity was 10-Cent Bingo. Wendy Pennington was the volunteer caller. Game one was Postage Stamps with JoAnn Roster winning. Game two was the letter W with Ruth Wieditz winning. Game three was Wild Number & Three Bingos with Marion Isbell winning. Game four was the BNO with Esther Novotny winning. JoAnn Roster won game five with a Blackout.

On Friday, November 14th, was a 500 Card party. Bill Milne won 1st place with 2,810 points. Merle Roths won 2nd place with 2,640 points. Irene Geiger took a close 3rd place with 2,630 points. After the games, refreshments were provided by the Card Club. HACAP provided the beverages.


Monday 1/12 Pepper Card Party

Tuesday 1/13 Birthday Dinner

Wednesday 1/14 10-Cent Bingo-Wendy

Thursday 1/15 Fresh Conversations @ 9:00 am, 10-Cent Bingo-Vickie

Friday 1/16 500 Card Party

Monday 1/19 Pepper Card Party

Tuesday 1/20 Surprise Bingo

Wednesday 1/21 10-Cent Bingo

Thursday 1/22 10-Cent Bingo-Vickie

Friday 1/23 500 Card Party

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Evening Meal

Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Peaches, Heavenly Hash, WW Bread, Milk

Activity: Pinochle/5 Crown/Spades

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Evening Meal

Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Green Beans, Fruited Jello, Cereal Bar, and Milk

Activity: Pinochle/5 Crown/Spades


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