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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I thoroughly enjoy keeping in touch with my hometown via Vinton Today, thank you to all who make this possible. Robust conversations held here are good for the soul. I saw a book recently that sums up all the "Reasons to vote for Democrats."  The book is by Michael Knowles and is a quick read. I agree completely with every single point that he makes in the book.

Letter to the Editor: Letter of reprimand for thee but not me

Dear Editor,If you remember not very long ago on March 26,2024 at 55 minutes, Benton County Human Resources Director Ms. Sue Wilber was investigating Mr. Turnis the IT director for not following his superior’s directive. She brought forth her conclusions from her “investigation” and said that Mr. Ternis had not followed an unwritten, undocumented but spoken directive to remove a security camera.
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Letter to the Editor: Trump and NATO

Dear Editor, Donald Trump has admitted that he did not know anything about NATO before taking office. Story HERE.Think about that for a moment. Most people have at least a working knowledge of NATO and for someone so intelligent as Trump, who claims with a supposed intelligence gene pool from a now deceased MIT professor uncle, one would assume that he would know something about NATO.

After Pressure is Applied President Biden bows out

On Sunday, President Biden released a statement announcing that he will not seek reelection. The statement reads in part, "It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

Summertime Math

It's time for summer school. If Johnny turns on the central air for the month of June, and receives a large bill in July, how many times did he look at the checkbook before doing so? That is the math problem for this month.Because of a social post complaining about electric bills, I did some checking. The Electric Rates did NOT go up last month. I should be able to stop with those two sentences but some need more of an explanation it sounds like.
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Letter to the Editor: A Republic . . . if you can keep it . . .

Dear Editor, Election season again and the typical words flying around about saving the Democracy.  I’m sure they’re heartfelt – but terribly misplaced.  We do not now, nor have we ever, had a Democracy.  We are a Constitutional Republic.  And it is that fact that has enabled our nation to endure for the past 248 years.

In the Color Me Shocked Category...

When I tend to rail against "government" and the utter waste of time some of these departments are, I consider the IPIB to be one of them. And now so are their bosses at the Office of Ombudsman. The state has set up the Iowa Public INFORMATION Board as a ruse, in my opinion, to make citizens feel like they can know about everything happening in every level of government.

Letter to the Editor: Violent Rhetoric

To the Editor,For over eight years, the American public has heard disrespectful, hateful, and yes, violent rhetoric from Trump and a variety of Republican office holders and members. Trump’s speeches are not only filled with lies but with dangerous language with pervasive violent images. Fast forward to the campaign of 2024. The Heritage Foundation puts out a 900-page manifesto on how the next republican president can tear down our democracy bit by bit.
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Letter To the Editor: On the Roof - The Parameter

Editor,I pray I am wrong!!!!My understanding:  A ladder was attached to the building where the shooter climbed and was identified by civilians on the ground and warned available law enforcement that there was a man on the roof with a gun (rifle- doesn't matter what type).  At this distance an easy shot.  A local officer climbed the ladder.

Letter to the Editor: Democrats new plan . . . failed

Dear Editor,July 2, just 12 days ago, I cautioned that the Democrats only alternative to beating Trump was to assassinate him and that their threats and allusions to such an act should be taken seriously.  Imagine my “complete shock” when a friend called yesterday and said Trump had just been shot.  Sadly, I’m not surprised, not in the least.
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