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Dear Editor, This 4th of July I encourage you to show honor and support to a Service Member, active or retired, with a generous thank you. Send a note, an email, or even a gift card for those who have sacrificed in so many ways so that we can live freely in our country, a republic. As a great-grandchild, a daughter, a wife, and a mother of military service members, I know firsthand how much has been given so we can have freedom.

Letter to the Editor: Former Supervisor Weighs in

Dear Editor,As a former Benton County Supervisor I would like to comment on the current lawsuit filed by the former Benton county Human Resource director against our county officials. Remember the charged are innocent unless they readily admit they did wrong or are found guilty by trial and neither as yet has happened. When Benton County originally advocated for the first time hiring a H.
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Letter to the Editor: Most of us are on the Titanic, and we're going DOWN!

Dear Editor,I have tried and tried to avoid stress and worries lately about politics, but I can't do it any longer.  Not with that clown in the White House and his sideshow...freak show...whatever.  My best analogy for this mess is that the country's seniors, vets, and poor AMERICAN CITIZENS are on the Titanic, and we're going DOWN with no life preservers or lifeboats in sight.

Who knew? I sure didn't!

It's always like Christmas opening the email "box." You never know what kind of junk mail you'll get, or the things that make me ask, "How didn't I know that?" It was the latter tonight. There was an update from Ashley Hinson's office, which normally I say, "Yeah, yeah," and then I hit delete. For a couple of reasons. I figure it's all blah, blah, blah about how good we are and how bad the other guys are, and I'm so over it.

Happy Father's Day!

Tomorrow is Father's Day. Or depending on when you read this, today or yesterday is or was Father's Day. I always have found it touching to find people my age and older who still miss their parents when they're gone. I know I do. Especially my daddy. Yep, he was always my "daddy." Having the genealogy bug, has put me in possession of a lot of old pictures.
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Public Comments at Benton County Supervisor's Meeting 6/4/24

Because of the pared-down minutes that will now be given to the public courtesy of the Iowa Public Information Board's guidance, ironic isn't it, I'll attempt to transcribe as best as I can comments from the meeting as this information will no longer be part of the meeting minutes.Sometimes it's hard to hear the full context, as with this meeting names of those speaking isn't always clear, however, they are made by residents.

Things you don't expect with this job

If I had to pick the best part of this job, it would be the stories that cross my desk that I know will make people smile. Then there are the weekly antics at the government level that always make me say, "You just can't make this stuff up!" But then there are days like yesterday. The loss of a young woman who should still be here. That one still sits with me today.

Letter to the Editor: Support for Ted Paxton

My name is Garrison Reekers and I would like to express my support for Ted Paxton as the next Sheriff for Benton County. I worked for 31 years in law enforcement, the last 15 plus years were with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office prior to leaving in January of 2022. My career allowed me to work in the Military, City Police Departments and Sheriff’s Offices.
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Letter to the Editor: Support for Ted Paxton

Dear Editor,To the citizens of Benton County, I am very pleased to write this in support of Ted Paxton, candidate for Sheriff. I have professionally known Ted for over 20 years and can speak to his integrity and professionalism as a law enforcement officer. In my estimation, there is no one better suited to fill the office of Sheriff. I have personally served 37 years in law enforcement as the Chief of Police in three Iowa communities, Chief Deputy in the Sheriff's Department and most recently I served as United States Marshall in the Northern District of Iowa.

Letter to the Editor: Support for Ted Paxton

Dear Editor,My name is Chief Jeffrey Bunn with the Meskwaki Nation Police Department. In 1998 I became the Chief of Police in State Center, Marshall County, Iowa. I came to know then Chief Ted Paxton with the Albion Police Department. I was new to Marshall County when Ted came to my rescue and showed me the ropes of the county and how we worked as a team across the county.
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