Dear Editor,

In December, 1957 - about a week or so before Christmas, my dad went to the hospital for minor surgery.  He never came home.  Honestly, I don't have a lot of memories of that day, but I have many of my mom.  There were no food stamps, Aid to Dependent Children or welfare programs at that time.  There was family, friends and church.  And work . . . there's always been work. 

The men from "the shop" would drop a literal bushel basket of food on the porch about once a month.  We'd get freshly "dipped" suckers (it's a Michigan thing), smelt, venison, pigeons, chickens, beef from time to time.  We were embraced by our church.  As for Mom - she "got to work".  She had a beauty shop on our front porch.  Two seats and a number of regulars.  However, at the end of the day - it simply did not replace my dad's salary.  I did receive $88 per month from Social Security until I turned 18 - but that too was not enough to bring things together. 

Our church came through when our local Postmaster spoke to mom one Sunday and told her of an opening in the post office.  She bought the books, studied her butt off and became a postal employee.  She was 41 and remained so until her retirement.  She got to work, supported us and then just herself when I left home until her retirement.  She remained single until the very early 80s when she married a man who had double dated with his 1st wife and my mom and dad.  She passed in '95 just short of 80.  During her entire life - she worked. 

When it was time for me to get my first bike - her expectation of me was to earn the money to get it - work for it.  So, I did - I got a job in a TV Repair Shop on Saturdays.  I raked lawns.  I mowed lawns.  And I got my bike.  That's how I got my first ball glove.  That gave way to a carry-out at a small grocery store that mom had worked in the '30s.  That got me a car, bought me gas and paid for dates with my future wife all through high school.  I have had a job every day of my life since I was 12.  I was taught to work for what I wanted and needed.

You work for the basics - food, shelter, transportation - and the luxuries - dates, games, presents.

There's a saying popular in sports - "leave it all on the field".  That's what my mom did - up until the day she passed, she left it all on the field.  She worked, helped, loved, lived . . . she left it all on the field every day of her life.

She did the work - made a living, crafted a future, raised her only child, gave freely of her time and treasure . . . she did the work and left it all on the field.

And that's why the Democrat Party failed this past Tuesday . . . they didn't do the work.  Kamala didn't even know there was a game, Joe couldn't find the field and the Democrat Party didn't care - they just wanted to disqualify the other team.  None of them wanted to do the work - in fact, they had no idea what the work was - the result was that they were left on the Ash heap of history.

What was this "work" they were supposed to do???  Let's take a look.

The Oath the President takes says . . . "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Did Joe do the work over the past 4 years?   Simply put - NO!  Did he champion free speech?? No.  Did he champion the 2nd Amendment?  No.  Did he ensure people were secure in their own homes from unreasonable searches and seizures? No.  Were citizens insured of speedy trials and trials by juries?  No.  Were people protected from unusual fines or cruel and unusual punishment?  No.   Did the federal government limit their actions to things that were enumerated by the Constitution - and leave the rest to the States?  No.

How about a broader view - was the Biden administration fiscally responsible?  No.  Did they defend our borders? No.  Did they ensure we had a strong and viable Military? No.  Did they use the weight of the federal government to go after political "enemies"?  Yes - every day of its existence.

Did they do their job?  Did they do the work?  No.

How about during the election cycle?  What is the "work" they are expected to do?  Simple - tell us what you will do over the coming 4 years and be detailed and specific.  Did the Democrat Party accomplish this job?  No.  What they focused on what how Trump and the 80 million that voted for him would turn America into the second coming of the Third Reich. 

Frankly, you need only call me a Nazi once and "garbage" once - and you lose my vote.  That said, if a candidate refuses interviews, refuses to detail their thoughts on border security, the economy, security of the country, direction of the military - those will also lose my vote. 

If your candidate is so deep into memory loss that he requires someone to grasp his elbow and to lead him off the stage -  I doubt he'd be able to make a decision should nuclear missiles begin their flights.  You will lose my vote.

 And should a party then conduct America's first ever soft-coup and replace their candidate with a cackling and empty-headed alternative, a "middle class" individual raised by a top level Cancer Researcher and a College Professor that specializes in Marxist Economics and who was the single most ineffective Attorney General of our nation's largest state - and you do this without a single vote of Democrat constituents . . . well, you're gonna lose my vote on that one as well.

Add to all this the fact that Kamala simply would not be interviewed, she would not allow any . . . any deep level questioning of her, her past or her future plans.  That becomes a hard "no" as well.

Conversely, Trump simply outworked them.  I believe there are currently over 200 hours of interviews where he simply has conversations and answers questions.  Not to mention dozens and dozens for rallies nationwide.  Some I have watched - Rogan, Lex Friedman, Shawn Ryan, Bret Bear, Harris Falkner - that right there is over a dozen hours where you can get to know the man and get an honest feel for who he is.  Of course, you must be willing to invest the time and actually listen rather than falling prey to the "sound bite culture".  I find it's worth the time.

He was tireless in his rallies, finishing the last one after midnight in the very early hours of November 5th.  Biden - and then Kamala was simply tired.

Which parent would you want - the one who does the work, does the job and raises the kid - or one that is dependent on "the system" for their life?

Which candidate would you prefer - one who had a hard time finding the field that the game is being played on?  Or one that makes the game?

The choice on Tuesday was breathtakingly simply . . . and it appears that that was true across class, sex and race lines as well.  As they say - "Easy-Peasy".  Trump all the way.

Now - that he has the job - he needs to do it. He needs to do the work.  Honestly, I have no doubt he will.

I'm sure we'll continue to be flooded by the caterwauling of the Democrat "experts" who are simply wondering how the heck this happened.  Well, for them, the answer is right there . . . in the mirror.  We'll have to see if they learn anything from this exercise . . . Currently, it seems doubtful.


Bill Keller


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GB November 9, 2024, 7:41 am Awesome and very well written opinion BK. Thank you!
JH November 9, 2024, 5:58 pm Bill, this is a "Masterpiece!" It should be sent around the entire USA, including "The View" and all media outlets. And oh, how about the agencies and the people who stayed home from work or school because their candidate did not win?

I've never had to stay home from job after my candidate did not win an election. No human, or president, is my hero or savior. I do believe God will use the winner of this election to bring the USA back on course according to our divine purpose, for the heritage of our founding fathers and for the good of all we citizens.

Keep writing Bill. It's a breath of fresh air for all, on both side of the aisle. This goes for John and Gerald too.
GB November 10, 2024, 5:10 pm Thanks JH!

I've never had to stay home from work either because my candidate did not win. I've never questioned what restroom to use either and I know what a woman is. If you can't define that, it's called a mental illness.
DC November 11, 2024, 12:14 pm Thanks Bill. It's the American way and it is having a big comeback.


COD November 12, 2024, 1:19 pm Lots of nice comments about Trump.
What about the way he treats women, including 3 marriages and 3 adulteress relationship? How about cheating contractors out of their money? What about lying? Yes, I know all politicians lie, but he makes them look like Mary Poppins. His politics and his moral compass is just too much. I could not give him my vote…again, and I’m a Constitutional Conservative Republican.
DL November 12, 2024, 2:07 pm Wow! You fail to see what's right in front of your face. Have you been issued your brown shirt yet? The only thing Donald Trump proved, was that he is still the singular most prolific con artist, ever. There are so many non-factual things about your rant, that it would take me two days to write a proper reply. I hope you have a copy of "project 2025", so you can follow along, as the turning over our country to our enemies takes place.
GB November 13, 2024, 6:22 am I can just imagine the temper tantrums taking place since the election and Trump was selected again to lead America. I would remind everyone that he won both the electorate and the popular vote. It was not even close. It was a red wave and our country was prime for this election results. The failed policies, the unconstitutional "Lawfare" to interfer with an election and the complicity of the Biden/ Harris Administration to ignore federal laws by allowing millions of illegal aliens into our country through an open border and even flying them in, is what decided this election.
Those facts are what was right in front of the face of every voters this election. The people have spoken.
The woke agendas of the left has brought rot to the core of the Democratic Party.
Now they are all blaming each other and finger pointing at everyone but themselves.

I am looking forward to an "America First" agenda!
SG November 14, 2024, 1:29 am COD
I don’t care abt Trump’s personal life…trivia did you know Marla cheated on him…no? Hint the mainstream media doesn’t mention that…the narrative that you spit out is what everyone wants you to believe, Trump bad man...
Now if you believe some dingbat was attacked by Trump of all places in a dressing room I can’t help ya! You’ll believe the worst if you want…now find the good stories they far outweigh the rumors. No one brags about how he's helped so many people and he doesn't brag about those stories either.
I mean the monster is now appointing, all races, gays, women, he's such an evil monster I tell ya!
Seriously, stop believing the your own research!