Letter to the Editor: Election and the Aftermath
To The Editor: Before the election, I among others, tried to bring to light the roadmap that the Heritage Foundation wrote for a new Republican administration called Project 2025. The comments from the MAGA peanut gallery consisted of an absurd comment that even though a massive amount of people spent a massive amount of time, energy, and money creating a 900-page document that it really did not mean anything.
Letter to the Editor: Deport non-citizen felons
Dear Editor: Why are certain mayors protecting non-citizen criminals? Denver and Chicago -- Including the Governor of Illinois they are about to violate federal law and may be prosecuted in Federal Court. Are all Democrats against law and order?? Mr. Tom Homan, round up all the crooks, drug dealers and send them back where they came from or put them in Federal Prison for life no matter how long or how difficult it is.
Letter to the Editor: Ideas for Old Creamery Nature Trail
Dear Editor, For the residents of Vinton and surrounding area who are interested in exercise, nature and trail activity, do you really want to see the entrance to the Old Creamery Nature Trail at West 8th St. and Highway 218 be closed? That is the plan by Benton County Conservation who own the trail. A new trail entrance to the OCNT has been graded and surfaced approximately 2/3rds of a mile west of Theisens on the north side of the road.
Letter to the Editor: On the Threshold of WWIII
Dear Editor,At the beginning of this week Sweden, Finland and Norway told their people to prepare for war. Sweden has not been to war in over 200 years. The pamphlets passed out talked about how to survive a nuclear attack. It had advice about how to build shelters and store food. That brought back memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis – the infamous advice of “duck and cover” .
Letter to the Editor: Do the Work
Dear Editor,In December, 1957 – about a week or so before Christmas, my dad went to the hospital for minor surgery. He never came home. Honestly, I don’t have a lot of memories of that day, but I have many of my mom. There were no food stamps, Aid to Dependent Children or welfare programs at that time. There was family, friends and church.
Letter to the Editor: The Guns Went Silent
“The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month” . . . the “Guns Went Silent” . . .Throughout my life the first half of this phrase is what folks have always associated with Armistice Day. That day when WWI – the “war to end all wars” – ended. In 1926 the date became recognized as “Armistice Day”.
Letter to the Editor: Is the glass half full or half empty?
Dear Editor: Is the glass half full or half empty?What political ad was this?????Full text of the ad:“It’s morning again in America. Today more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country's history. With interest rates at about half the record highs of 1980, nearly 2,000 families today will buy new homes, more than at any time in the past four years.
Election workers rank right up there next to the voters

The winning is in the Party

The votes are counted in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire
In the tiny town of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire the whole town submitted their votes at midnight on election day. The town has six registered voters. Four are Republicans and two are undeclared. The vote is tied at three to three. Three votes for Former President Trump and three for Vice President Kamala Harris. During the last two presidential elections, the voters have voted with Democrats.