Robertson Featured at the ISU Crop Advantage Conference, January 26, 2011
Alison Robertson, ISU Extension Plant Pathologist
WATERLOO - Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) was widespread in Iowa during the 2010 growing season. Dr. Robertson will “kick-off” the 2011 Crop Conference with a keynote presentation addressing SDS issues in soybean production. A dozen additional crop management topics also offered at the conference.
The conference will be held Wednesday, January 26 at the Hawkeye Community College near Waterloo. The conference will focus on major issues facing agriculture and provide producers and agri-business professionals with research-based information to assist in their decision making for the coming year and beyond.
Registration begins at 8:30 AM in Tama Hall with the morning keynote sessions scheduled from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. For the rest of the day, 4 concurrent sessions per hour allow participants to selectfrom a dozen different topics to chose what best interests them. Topics include: Grain Market Outlook, Products enhancing N use, Corn diseases, Deep ripping, Weed management, P and K management, Farm energy issues, Corn yield issues and more.
Program and registration information is available on line at . Pre-registration is $35, or you can register at the door for $45. Refreshments, a noon meal and proceedings are included in the registration fee. Up to 6 Certified Crop Advisor credits can be earned for an additional $25. Private Pesticide Applicator re-certification can also be earned by attending an additional session from 3:45 to 4:30 PM and paying the standard $20 recertification fee. For additional information, contact Brian Lang, ISU Extension Agronomist at 563-382-2949.
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