1st 9-10:30 Crafty Wafty-activity room
10:30 Bible Time-library
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Manicures-act room
3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
2nd 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies
10:00 Bible Study-GloriaOrcutt-all are welcome-act rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-dining room
1:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm
2:00 Calling all “500” Card players to the dining room
3:30 Current Events-liv room
Happy Birthday Nancy Schmitz
3rd 9:00 Phase 10 game-act rm
10:00 Reading with Ann Harrison-living room
1:00 BINGO
2-3:30 Cooks Corner-making pound cake for Friday-act rm
3:30 Walking
5:45 Coffee Chat-dining room
4th 9:00 EAST Hall ride
10:00 Residents Meeting with Allen & Allison-dn rm
1:00 WEST Hall ride
2:00 Staff Meeting-dining rm
3:00 Sing a long with Linda and Sharon-living room
5:45 Coffee Chat-dining rm
National Pound Cake Day
5th9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Brook on the Clavinova-living room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV
Channel 12
6th 10:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm
1:00 BINGO
2:15 Stewart Memorial Church Service-living room
3:00 Movie-dining room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
7th 9:00 Walking
10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room
10:00 Shopping at Alco & Fareway
1:00 Chair Exercises-din rm
2:00 Horse Races-din rm
3:00 Wii Bowling-din room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
8th 9-10:30 Stitch & Chat-activity room
10:30 Bible Time-library
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Manicures-act room
3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
9th 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies
9-11:00 OnSite Hearing with Deb Kloster-library
10:00 Bible Study-Gloria Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm
1:00 Bean Bag Baseball
2:00 “UNO” game-act rm
3:00 Calling all “500” card players to the dining room
10th 9:00 Phase 10 game-act rm
10:00 Reading with AnnHarrison-living room
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Wii Bowling-din room
3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
Happy Birthday Maxine Raitt
11th 9:00 WEST Hall ride
10:00 Sing a long with Linda and Sharon-living room
1:00 EAST Hall ride
2:00 Wheel of Fortune-din rm
3:00 Chair Exercises-din rm
4:30 Music with Judy Mehlert-dining room
12th 9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-din room
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Brook on the Clavinova
Brook’s last day :(
3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV
13th 9:00 Chair Exercises-dn rm
9:30 Wii Bowling-din rm
10:30 Current Events-liv rm
1:00 BINGO
2:15 Wesley United Methodist Church Service-living room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
14th 9:00 Walking
10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room
10:00 Shopping in Vinton
12:45 Bean Bag Baseball
2:00 Music with Duwayne Aarhus-dining room
3:00 Horse Races-din room
6:30 Jackson Better Farmers 4H Group Meeting-din room
15th 9-10:30 Stitch & Chat-activity room10:30 Bible Time-library
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Manicures-act room
3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room 16th 8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies10:00 Bible Study-Gloria Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-din room
10:45 Communion with Pastor Ron Sumption-living room
1:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm
1:30 Parkinsons Support Group-Speaker: Dr. Powell Open to the public-din rm
3:30 Trivia Time-living room 17th Wearin’ of the GREEN Otherwise you will get a pinch9:00 Phase 10 game-act rm
10:00 Reading with Ann
Harrison-living room
1:00 St. Patrick’s Day BINGO
2:00 Green beer, Green treats and games-din room
3:00 GREEN Balloon tennis-act rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-dining room
18th 9:00 EAST Hall ride10:00 Sing a long with Sharon and Linda-living room
1:00 WEST Hall ride
2:00 Music with Eldred Gerhold-living room
2:00 Staff Meeting (gardens)
3:00 Wheel of Fortune-din rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
19th 9:00 Walking10:00 Bean Bag Baseball
1:00 BINGO
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV Channel 12
20th 10:00 Listen to the “Old Time Radio Show”-living room2:15 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Service-living room
3:00 Movie-dining room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
21st 9:00 Walking10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room
10:00 Shopping at Alco & Fareway
1:00 Horse Races-din room
2-3:30 Card crafts-activity rm
3:30 Current Events-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
22nd 9-10:30 Stitch & Chat-activity room10:30 Bible Time-library
10:30 WEST Hall Vitals with Lisa-library
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Manicures-act room
3:00 Wii Bowling-dining rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
23rd8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies10:00 Bible Study-Gloria
Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-din room
1:30 Newhall Lutheran School Choir-K&1st grades-din room
2:30 Balloon Tennis-act rm
3:30 Current Events-liv rm
4:15 Foster Grandparents and kids from PresbyterianChurch-din rm 24th Harrison-living room1:00 BINGO
2:00 Wii Bowling-din room
3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
25th9:00 WEST Hall ride10:00 Sing a long with Linda and Sharon-living room
1:00 EAST Hall ride
2:00 Wheel of Fortune-din rm
3:00 Chair Exercises-din rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din rm
26th 9-10:30 Brittany will bring coffee and donuts to your apartment
10:30 Chair Exercises-dn rm
1:00 BINGO
2:00 Bean Bag Baseball
3-3:30 Current Events-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
7:00 Lawrence Welk on TV -channel 12
27th 9:00 Trivia Time-liv rm
9:30 Wii Bowling-din rm to the Trinity Lutheran Church for their service
(please sign up to attend)
1:00 BINGO
2:15 First Baptist Church Service-living room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
28th 9:00 Walking
10-11:30 Stonecroft Bible Study-activity room
9:30 Shopping at Walmart in Independence
1:00 Horse Races-din room
2:00 Wheel of Fortune-dn rm
3:00 Name 3 Toss-liv rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
29th 9:00 Stitch & Chat-activity room
10:00 EAST Hall Vitals with Lisa-library
10:00 Manicures-act room
10:30 Bible Time-library
1:00 BINGO
2-4:00 Crafts with Deb-Flowers-activity room
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
30th8:30-9:30 Sewing Ladies
10:00 Bible Study-Gloria Orcutt-all are welcome-act rm
10:00 Bean Bag Baseball-dining room
1:00 Balloon Tennis-act rm
2:00 “UNO” game-act room
3:00 “500” card players-dn rm
Doctors Day
31st 9:00 Phase 10 game -act rm
10:00 Reading with Ann Harrison-living room
1:00 BINGO
3:30 Current Events-din rm
5:45 Coffee Chat-din room
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