AMES, Iowa – Frank Van Steenhuyse and Gail Zea, funeral directors at Van Steenhuyse-Russell Funeral Home in Vinton, recently attended the 130th Annual Iowa Funeral Directors Association (IFDA) Convention, held May 11-13, 2010, at the Iowa State Center and Gateway Hotel in Ames, Iowa.

Gail Zea commented, “The keynote speaker this year was Captain Al Haynes, the pilot that crash-landed in Sioux City in 1989. His story was amazing and was followed by a panel discussion among Iowa funeral directors and Capt. Haynes. They spoke of the efforts put forth by volunteers, including many Iowa funeral directors, following the crash. I was only 13 when this event took place, so it was fascinating to hear some of the history of my profession and the reaction to a disaster such as this.”

Frank Van Steenhuyse said of his time in Ames: “I’m glad I live in a small town and have the opportunity to serve friends and neighbors; our annual convention is a great networking tool to pick up ideas on how to do that more effectively.”

This year’s Annual IFDA Convention featured highly regarded local and national funeral service speakers, who presented on topical issues related to business and management practices, regulatory updates, technical skills and training, and other funeral service profession issues. Attendance at the Annual IFDA Convention provides funeral directors with a forum to receive and exchange information. IFDA members return home with new ideas that will allow them to better serve the families in their communities. Frank and Gail are members of the Iowa Funeral Directors Association. IFDA represents 675 Iowa licensed funeral directors and 425 funeral home establishments throughout the state and promotes high standards within the field of funeral service through continuing education programs, legislative representation and service to Iowa communities. For consumer information regarding funeral service, please log on to IFDA’s Web site at


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