By: Sarah Williams

Ryan Van Winckle , from Queens, New York is a corps member for Maple 8 in AmeriCorps NCCC Class 20. He arrived in Vinton on February 11 to start his 10-month service term working with a team of people between the ages of 18 and 24. Maple 8 is made up of seven people from across the country and they will serve together around the Midwest.

When asked why he decided to serve in the NCCC program, Ryan says, “I want to help others and live in areas I normally wouldn't travel too.”

Before Ryan joined the NCCC program he was working part time for a real estate company.

Maple 8’s third round project is at the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC), Traverse City, MI. Maple 8 will support the Grassland Restoration Project, Arcadia Marsh Restoration Project, and Public Access Program with GTRLC. The passive outdoor recreation of birding, fishing, hiking and biking at Arcadia Dunes, Grassland, Marsh, and shoreline not only impacts the community quality of life, but provides a sense of place and enhances the local economy as a tourist destination. The team will be building trails and removing invasive species. The team will be working in Benzie and Manistee Counties as well as Bellaire, MI.

Some fun facts about Ryan:

Q: What is your favorite TV show and why? Game of Thrones, because I love the books the series is based off of.

Q: What is one place you would really like to visit? Australia

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be? The ability to manipulate time.

Q: If you could come back as an animal which animal would it be? Eagle

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up? Firefighter

Q: What is the most challenging/exciting thing you’ve ever done? Visited Machu Piccu in Peru and hiked one of the mountains there.


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