By: Sarah Williams

Brecon Richmond, from Friendship, Ohio is serving on team Maple 3 in AmeriCorps NCCC Class 20. She arrived in Vinton on February 11 to start her 10-month service term. Maple 3 is made up of nine people from across the country who will serve together around the Midwest.

Brecon says “That In addition to wanting the opportunity to serve communities I believe I'm at a crossroads academically and looking for other avenues to grow.”

Before Brecon joined the NCCC program she was a college student and university cheerleader.

Maple 3’s fourth round project is at City of Flint, Flint, MI

Maple 3 will focus on the City of Flint’s revitalization efforts to eliminate blight from their neighborhoods. The Civic Park Historic District was found to have 13% vacant lots and 23% of homes located in the Civic Park Historic District retained historic integrity and are unoccupied while 13% of properties were vacant lots. During this time the team will focus on two of the Cities of Service revitalization targets, boarding of vacant homes and the beautification of vacant lots. This will be done in conjunction with multiple community partners including Power of One – Fight against Blight.

Some fun facts about Brecon:

Q: What is your favorite TV show and why? Seinfield, because its really funny and whenever it’s on my dad and I watch it together.

Q: What song best describes you? “The morning song” Mandesa

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up? Veterinarian

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be? Fly

Q: What is the most challenging and/or exciting thing you have done? Doing the Pack Test, and going to college

Q: If you could come back as animal which one would it be? A bird

Q: Who is your favorite book? I enjoy reading the comics in the newspaper


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