By: Sarah Williams

Andrew Johnson, from Richmond, Virginia is a corps member for Maple 3 in AmeriCorps NCCC Class 20. He arrived in Vinton on February 11 to start his 10-month service working with a team of people between the ages of 18 and 24. Maple 3 is made up of nine people from across the country and they will serve together around the Midwest.

When asked why he decided to serve in the NCCC program, Andrew says, “I wanted to gain new skills and grow as a person.”

Before Andrew became a NCCC service member he was going to school and working.

Maple 3’s fourth round project is at the

Michigan Community Service Commission: 2014 Detroit Flooding, Detroit, Michigan

Maple 3 will assist the Michigan Community Service Commission, the state’s leading agency on volunteers, in operating a call center, volunteer service center, and mucking and gutting homes in response to flash flooding that took place in the Metro Detroit Area. The area saw its wettest day in 89 years with over 6” of rain coming down in 24 hours.

Some fun facts about Andrew:

Q: What is your favorite TV show and why? Game of Thrones, because I love the books.

Q: What is one place you would really like to visit? Anywhere in Africa.

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be? The ability to fly

Q: If you could come back as an animal which animal would it be? Otter

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up? A Fireman

Q: What is the most challenging/exciting thing you’ve ever done? Leaving school and joining the NCCC program.


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