Students from your area have been named to the Dean's List for the 2014 fall semester. Those students are:

Keaton Betterton of Atkins

Cory Christensen of Atkins

Benjamin Markland of Atkins

Kelsie Kithcart of Atkins

Alex Brown of Atkins

Kaitlyn Pegump of Atkins

Nicole Hulsebus of Atkins

Sara Herman of Atkins

Caitlyn Kithcart of Belle Plaine

Lane Bachelder of Belle Plaine

Jacob Isbell of Garrison

Caleb Kimm of Keystone

Brennen Pace of Keystone

Dakota Hiner of Newhall

Tanysha Truax of Newhall

Thomas Chase of Shellsburg

Sarah Camp of Shellsburg

Luke Moen of Shellsburg

Taylor Vislisel of Vinton

Benjamin Hyland of Vinton

Garret Lorensen of Vinton

Jenna Schade of Walker

Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the Tippie College of Business who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded course work during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the Dean's List for that semester.

Undergraduate students in the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine may qualify for the Dean's List with fewer than 12 semester hours of graded credit if deemed appropriate by the college.

College of Nursing students participating in clinical courses must have a total of 12 semester hours of earned credit, with eight semester hours of graded credit with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher.

Approximately 4,000 students were named to the UI Dean's List for the 2014 fall semester.


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