VPL Note: "James" by Percival Everett is available for checkout in regular type.
I thoroughly enjoyed this retelling of Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn"! If you have never read the original, I highly recommend that you do so. Years ago, it was practically 'required reading' as a rite of passage. As times changed, several of Twain's works were banned as racist and/or for having inappropriate themes.
This novel is set in the same place, with the same characters and in the same timeframe. However, in this version, the slave named Jim tells the story from his vantage point, and in his own words. Readers will recognize the familiar tale but will see and understand from an entirely different viewpoint.
This book was a surprise to me, and I really enjoyed it! Hot off the presses and brand new to VPL, I heartily recommend getting it as soon as you can! Two hearty thumbs up, and a 10/10. Don't take my word for it; read it for yourself!
~Connie, Library Assistant


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