On April 12, 1912, Hazel Rothbury boarded the Titanic. Hazel, who is only twelve years old, travels alone to America to work with her aunt in a factory. Working in a factory away from her family is not something Hazel wants to do but must help make income to support her mother and brothers.

Hazel's real dream is to become a journalist! Alone and unsure of the Titanic, Hazel meets a few friends that can help her get some questions answered about the Titanic for her news story. From the beginning, Hazel questions how the Titanic was built, why there aren't enough lifeboats, what are icebergs, and how do the fires not spread from down below.

Hazel is full of courage and determined to write a story by the time she lands in America so that she doesn't have to work in a factory. People doubt Hazel due to her age and social class, but Hazel is willing to do anything to share Titanic's secrets.

~Kellie Roberts, Children's Librarian


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