Atkins, IA
Rachel Maschino, Bachelor of Science
Norway, IA
Toshia Stark, Master of Business Administration
Shellsburg, IA
Amanda Waters, Bachelor of Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude
Van Horne, IA
Kimberly Fisher, Master of Science in Education
Vinton, IA
Jessica Pladsen, Doctor of Philosophy
Tiyada Purk, Bachelor of Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude
Located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mount Mercy University is the regional Catholic, Mercy University that promises students of diverse backgrounds, ages and faiths a challenging, practical education that inspires them to discover knowledge, build community and live their values. Mount Mercy provides a forward-thinking, future-focused education, offering baccalaureate and graduate education to 1,500+ enrolled students and uniquely blending a quality liberal arts education with career-focused professional preparation.
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