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The University of Dubuque is excited to celebrate the academic accomplishments of undergraduate, graduate, and seminary students who graduated this summer. From Benton County:Atkins, Abbie Patterson, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude

Norway, Lacy Cook, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude
About the University of DubuqueThe University of Dubuque (UD) is a private, coed university founded in 1852 that offers undergraduate, graduate, and theological seminary degrees as well as other educational opportunities with the intention of educating and forming the whole person. Here, the value of an education is measured in helping our students find their calling in life through academics, community, character, vocation, and stewardship. Our approach to learning is based on professional programs with a liberal arts core, and we prepare students to find their purpose and make meaningful contributions to the world.


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