Hello western fans! I'm back with a brand new book (sort of), first published in 1964 but now republished by Golden West, Inc.

In a tale almost as old as time, we have the story of a young, impetuous boy who made some mistakes that landed him in prison for five years. Now he wants to go straight, having paid his debt to society. Unfortunately for him, trouble is brewing in the valley where he was raised, and a quick stop to put to rest some ghosts from the past turns into an all-out war with the same ruthless gang that sent him away and who are only too anxious to do it again!

Soon there is gunplay, engineered by the self-appointed 'Boss' of the town, and the weak, crooked sheriff. The Ghost Rider, Johnny Lang, is caught up in a false charge and must run for his life or be gunned down. But will Johnny run, or stay and fight? It seems that his dream of a quiet ranch in Oregon has been forgotten...or has it?

Stop in at the Vinton Public Library and pick up this shoot-em-up western from yesteryear! Scoring a 4.5/5 on goodreads.com, I thought it was a great book! Saddle up!



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