Fans of poetry will enjoy this collection that delves into themes of loss, yearning, and how time passes ever so quickly spanning a career of over 60 years. A few of my favorite poems from this collection are: 'Hesitations Outside the Door,' 'Three Praises,' and 'He Shifts from East to West' but you can't go wrong with this entire collection with a 4.26 Goodreads rating.

"The hookworm, in the eye of

the universe, which is the unsteady gaze

of eternity maybe, is beloved. How could it not be,

living so blessed, in its ordained red meadows

of blood where it waves like a seaweed?

Praise be, it sings with its dracula mouth.

Prase be."-from Margaret Atwood's 'Three Praises'

Happy reading, friends! ~Heather


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