By: Will Lampley

AmeriCorps NCCC team Cedar 1 is assisting the Power of One Ministry in Flint, Michigan until June 11 to help diminish blight within the city. With the team’s help and the ambition of organization members, they are making an impact to improve the city and help with revitalization.

So far, Cedar 1 has assisted with cleaning out brush from vacant lots and houses. After the debris has been cleared out, the team loads it into a garage to be picked up or put into a dumpster. The team has also boarded up five houses in one day and will be doing before leaving. Their next project involves installing bus stops to improve safety within the community.

“The service work here is incredibly tough, but equally gratifying,” says Cedar 1 team member Ian Langer from Boulder, Colorado

The team has also gained Independent Service Project (ISP) hours with the Boys and Girls club by helping kids use the computer lab, assisting with games outside and inside the gym, and keeping track of belongings inside the coat room. Cedar 1 also did a nine hour ISP installing fire alarms with the Red Cross inside homes to promote safety.

In addition, Cedar 1 received press coverage about their project from two TV stations in the area. ABC 12 interviewed Will and Shanell about the difference they were making in the community and why they chose to join AmeriCorps NCCC. The team also received news coverage on a project they assisted with on May 15 cleaning up Flint’s East Side by picking up debris and putting up new walls for a garage.

Power of One Ministry is a relatively new organization in Flint, Michigan led by Clarence Campbell and their mission is to eliminate blight and to assist in the city’s master plan. Their hope is for Flint to flourish economically and no longer be a city with a high crime and drug rate.


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