JUNE 29, 2016

The Vinton Garden Club member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., District II and Central Region met at 12:30, June 29, at Kiwanis Park to plant a Coffee tree for Arbor Day then continued on to secretaries office at fairgrounds for meeting and design workshop assisted by Fran Stueck, Master Flower Show Judge.

Fran Stueck called the meeting to order at 1:25. Eight members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Conservation Pledge. Roll call was “your favorite flower design”.

Secretary Joyce Bratten read the minutes from the last meeting. There were no corrections so they will stand as read.

Sharen Stueck gave the treasurer's report.

There were no more questions on Treasurer's Report so it will be filed for audit.


Received thank you note from Joel Barnes for winning the Vinton Garden Club scholaship.

Thank you note from Virginia at the Vinton Library for design Fran delivered for Garden Week.


Membership—Rosie Boisen

Garden Therapy—Michelle Foshe-Gibson

Ways and Means—Joyce Bratten sets up for flower show and plant sale


National Gardener—Rosie Boisen


Is everyone checking their planter around town for weeds, deadheading and watering

The painting of the 218 roadside park finally got painted, those who helped on June 8th was Joyce,

Michelle, Bristol, Sharen, Rosie, Anne, and Fran. In the afternoon Ted went out and changed some rotten boards on the shelter and painted the high places.

Members attended the State meeting in Fort Dodge on June 23 and 24. The speaker was Aaron Stiel from Rieman Gardens in Ames. The club received Blue Certificate (1st place) out of 4 applications.

A big thank you to Michlle, Bristol, Susie and Joyce for putting the book together. Fran entered the miniature flower show and received many blue ribbons and 2 top NGC awards in horticultural sections, Arboreal and Collectors Showcase.

A surprised, Joyce Bratten was inducted into the State Circle of Roses. This award is given to a person that goes up and beyond volunteering her extra time. She was nominated by Fran for the work she does above and beyond for the Vinton Garden Club, always there when asked to spray or pull weeds or plant

Shes held every office but president more than once, attends special meetings. A dedicated member for fourteen years.


Plans for the Flower Show at the Open Class building at the Fairgrounds during the fair.

Plans for Garden Therapy Windsor Manor on Wed. July 6th.

There will be no meeting in July because of the flower show at the fair.

The next meeting will be August 31 at the Vinton library with Michelle as hostess, give program on care of orchids.

Fran adjourned the meeting

Prospect members are welcome.


Joyce Bratten


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