The Vinton Garden club, a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., District II and Central Region met December 12th, 2017 at Pizza Ranch in Vinton. Members shared luncheon and then held their meeting. Rosie Boisen called meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance and Conservation pledge were recited. Susie Hansen was approved to act as secretary pro-tem, with all members voting aye. Roll call was answered "what tree or bush do you plan to or hope to plant in 2018. On unanimous vote, Susie was elected club secretary thru 2018. Susie read the minutes of the October 25th, 2017 meeting. Approved. Sharen presented the treasurer's report, which was approved. On motion and second, bills presented were approved for payment. All active members have now paid their 2018 dues. Garden therapy co-chairman, Susie Hansen, got red carnations and some greenery for today's therapy event, and Rosie provided boxwood and white pine branches. Club to send get well card to member Fran Stueck. Old business: .. Club members, Anne Dake, Rosie Boisen and Fran Stueck presented the new Floral Design book to Virginia Holstein of the Vinton Public Library on November 13th. .. Members still finalizing programs for our 2018 meetings. To finish up at next meeting. .. Susie, Anne, Rosie and Fran attended the judges and new design rules meeting, held at the Reiman Gardens in Ames, Iowa, on November 6th. .. The Smokey the Bear and Woodsey Owl information was delivered to the elementary art classes in November. .. Susie checked with our local Hacap Center about doing a gifting for the kids for Christmas. The club purchased a coloring book, box of crayons and hard page books for each of the 20 children (ages of 2-5). The gifts were wrapped individually for the children. To deliver before next Thursday. Great job Susie. New business: Anne, Susie and Rosie will audit the treasurer's books for 2017 before next meeting and report at that time. Meeting adjourned. Secretary pro-tem, Susie Hansen.

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Vinton Garden Club Minutes 10/26/16

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