"Still Alice" by Lisa Genova tells the story of Alice Howland, Harvard professor and mother of three, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 50. We read this book for our Staff Book Club, and we felt like we were right there with Alice every step of the way. The author holds a degree in Biopsychology from Bates College and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University and her background informs her work.

In The New Yorker article titled "A Place Beyond Words: The Literature of Alzheimer's," Stefan Merrill Block calls this the 'go-to book for caretakers and early-stage sufferers.'

Published in 2007, it currently has 4.32/5.0 stars on goodreads.com and was adapted into a 2014 film starring Julianne Moore.

~Kelly Henkle, Library Director


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