Wartburg College has recognized 466 students who were named the 2024 Winter/May Term Dean's List.

The list honors students who earned a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 or above in at least five course credits during the terms. Four of the five course credits have to be graded with a traditional letter grade.

Wartburg students take four courses during Winter Term, which runs from January through April, and one course during the one-month May Term.

This year's local honorees:

Alison Newton of Blairstown 

Kylea Neuendorf of La Porte City 

Adeline Nabholz of Brandon

Eli Larson of Walker

Caitlyn Benesh of Walker 

Stone Schmitz of La Porte City

Cora Nabolz of Brandon 

Hunter Worthen of La Porte City 


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