I recently read 'The Only Survivors' by Megan Miranda and it was a big miss for me. This book had a lot of potential with its large cast of characters to have more but it wasn't giving it. The book stayed very surface level, and I almost didn't finish it but what kept me intrigued was the then and now.

Nine students survived a horrific accident in high school, and they made a pact to see each other every year for a reunion. Cassidy Bent was the main character and narrator but throughout the story we heard from the other survivors. I stuck it out to hear their side of the story of the accident, but again I thought it would give more, and I ended up disappointed.

The climax hit with 30-50 pages left of the book, but nothing shocking that had me at the edge of my seat. I would be open to trying a different book written by Miranda but for me this book was just "meh" because of its incredibly slow burn.



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