Events And Activities
Farmers Market will begin next Thursday, June 1
Join the fun at our special “community celebration” every Thursday night. Music, entertainment, games, and activities held each week. Hot sandwiches served at our outdoor café. This market showcases the best of Benton County producers of fruits, vegtables, jams, baked goods, and more! If you are interested in becoming a vendor or would like more information, call the VPRD office at 319-472-4164.
Dinosaur Week at the Vinton Public Library the week of June 5
There is fun for all ages this week at the Vinton Public Library! There is a program or event at the library every day this week. Our special events are fun for all ages! Tuesday, 6/6- Dinosaur Dimensions @ 10:30 am Thursday, 6/8- Will Stuck @ 1 pm Other fun activities Monday @ 10 am- Build with blocks/legos plus create a pterodactyl craft Wednesda
Friends of the Center Point Library annual book sale, June 9
Friends of the Center Point Library will hold their annual used book sale beginning on Thursday, June 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The event will be held in the little basement community room of the Library located at 720 Main Street. The sale continues on Friday, June 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday, June 10 from 8:30 a.m. to noon.
Hangar Flying with Harry Kintzle June 4, at the Center Point Historical Society
On Sunday, June 4 at 2:00 p.m., at the Center Point Historical Society Depot Museum, 700 E. Washington St., a presentation featuring “Hangar Flying with Harry,”will be held. This is an informal visit with Harry Kintzle, an 85-year-old pilot who is still flying his 77-year-old Aeronca Champ off of his Coggon farm strip. Local flying and sky-diving stories, laughs, and cookies.
The Benton County 2023 Relay For Life is fast approaching. It will be held on Sunday, June 4th – National Cancer Survivors’ Day – from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the Benton Community High School track in Van Horne. Teams and participants can sign up by going to the American Cancer Society website and searching for the specific relay event. At Relay For Life no donation is too small because each and every dollar counts.
State Historical Society of Iowa's mobile museum to visit Benton County
Take free tours of "Iowa's People & Places" exhibitionThe State Historical Society of Iowa’s mobile museum is hitting the road again as it continues its journey to all 99 Iowa counties.Housed in a custom-built Winnebago, the 300-square-foot museum on wheels launched in 2017 and completed its first 99-county tour in 2019, making 175 stops along the way and attracting nearly 65,000 visitors, including 11,400 students.
The Class of '83 is planning a 40th reunion for June 2,3
The graduating class of 1983 will be holding their reunion on the weekend of June 3, 2023.The Schedule so far includes a night at Berry's Lanes, Golfing, and a night at the Ron Da Voo. For full updates, follow the Vinton Class of '83 on Facebook! You can also keep in touch with the alumni happenings here Washington High School Class Of 1983, Vinton, IA (classcreator.
Veterans Benefit Ride June 3
Shellsburg Post 166 American Legion Riders will hold the Veterans Benefit Ride on Saturday, June 3. You can grab some breakfast at the Legion for a freewill donation from 8-10 a.m.Registration will be from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Shellsburg American Legion.Cost: $10 per personAt 10:30 kickstand go up and everyone will start their engines.Scheduled stops will be at Garrison's Hitchin' Post, the Wind-Up Lounge in Traer, Big R's Bar and Grill in Elberon and end at the Pearl Street Social Club in Shellsburg.
American Red Cross Blood Drive, May 25
There are still openings for the American Red Cross Blood Drive!The drive will be held on Thursday, May 25th at the Vinton Skate Center, 1703 C Ave, from 12:30-5:30. Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS/ 800-733-2767 to schedule. You may also schedule online at and use the sponsor code, Vinton.If you have O type blood, there is a serious need for you to stop and donate.
It’s the time of year to come together and cheer on the survivors in our community. It’s time to thank the caregivers who support our loved ones. It’s the time to remember and honor those we have lost to cancer. And it’s time to lend our voices to the rallying cry to stop cancer in its tracks. Quite simply: it’s time for Relay For Life!The Benton County Relay For Life will be held Sunday, June 4th at the Benton Community High School track in Van Horne from 6:00 PM through 10:00 PM.