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Events And Activities

Winter Carnival - December 27

Get out of the house during the holiday break! All grade school youth can take part in this fun carnival. Tickets to play games are only 25 cents each.LOCATION: Skate & Activity Center.Friday, December 27, 10:00 AM  12:00 PM

Snow-Fun Camp, January 17

Snow-Fun CampJanuary 17th, 1:45pm-3:30pm at Benton County Nature Center; $5/youthSnow-Fun Camp is a way for the kiddos to enjoy an afternoon full of snow-related fun at the Nature Center! Activities include playing in the snow, snow science and more! Snow-Fun Camp is for youth in 3rd-5th grade. Snow gear is needed for this camp. If there is no snow, alternative activities will be planned.
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Community Quilting Series: Q&A Saturday, January 18th, 9am-12pm

Join us for the Community Quilting Series: Q&A on Saturday, January 18th, from 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Vinton Public Library Boardroom. We will have a Q&A session with local quilters. Community quilters will be on hand to answer your questions about your quilt projects. This event is part of our library’s Community Quilt Project.

Santa will visit the Shellsburg Public Library December 20

Santa will be at Shellsburg Public Library during story hour on December 20 from 10-11 a.m. Bring the children to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus!

Benton County Conservation Calendar of Events for Winter 2024-25

Registration for all events is required by visiting and are free unless otherwise stated. Snow-Fun CampJanuary 17th, 1:45pm-3:30pm at Benton County Nature Center; $5/youthSnow-Fun Camp is a way for the kiddos to enjoy an afternoon full of snow-related fun at the Nature Center! Activities include playing in the snow, snow science and more! Snow-Fun Camp is for youth in 3rd-5th grade.
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Quilting ‘Q&A’ workshop, Saturday, January 18th from 9am-12pm


Library Game Night - Thursday, December 12

Join us for Game Night at the Library! We will have Unstable Unicorns, Scrabble, Pictionary and Scattergories available, stop in for some fun!Kids 12 and under will need to be accompanied by an adult.See you at the Library on Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Library located at 510 2nd Ave., Vinton.

Honoring the Women Air Force Services Pilots (WASPS) of WWII with Larry Ritland

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00 p.m. as Larry Ritland shares his presentation titled 'Honoring the Women Air Forse Service Pilots (WASPs) of WWII.Since 2016 Larry Ritland, a Vietnam Veteran, has cycled thousands of miles to honor and remember other veterans that time has nearly forgotten. Ritland will provide details of his last ride, Iowa to Texas, and talk about the pioneering women who flew military aircraft during World War II, including Iowa women.
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Friends of the Vinton Public Library Present: A Fireside Read Aloud Series

Join us for a special Fireside Read-Aloud Series in the Vinton Public Library Reading Room:Tuesday, December 10th at 6pm, "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote, Part ITuesday, December 17th at 6pm, "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote, Part IICookies and Hot Chocolate will be provided.

Santa’s Coming to Vinton: A Holiday Tradition

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Vinton, especially at the home of Greg and Jen Svoboda! This holiday season, the couple has arranged for a very special guest—Santa Claus himself—to spread cheer and joy right from their front yard.Santa will be making his merry appearances this Saturday evening, December 7th, as well as on the following weekends: Friday and Saturday, December 13th and 14th, and Friday and Saturday, December 20th and 21st.
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