The Benton County 2023 Relay For Life is fast approaching. It will be held on Sunday, June 4th - National Cancer Survivors' Day - from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the Benton Community High School track in Van Horne. Teams and participants can sign up by going to the American Cancer Society website and searching for the specific relay event. At Relay For Life no donation is too small because each and every dollar counts. Donations help fund groundbreaking cancer research, patient care programs, and make a difference in our own local communities. Every donation helps the American Cancer Society save lives!

The Benton County Relay For Life wants to recognize and thank the following 2023 sponsors:

FRIENDS OF RELAY $25 -- $149

Benton County State Bank

Drahn Insurance Agency, Inc.

CarQuest of Belle Plaine

Rabe Hardware, Inc.

Midwest One Bank and Trust

Precision Sheet Metal, Inc.

Keystone Communications

Chelsea Savings Bank

Wilson/Hite Insurance Agency

Chekal Rental and Storage

Belle Plaine Hardware

Stoney Arch Financial

Friedman Distributing, Inc.

StoneyCreek Marble Products

Tama Benton Cooperative

Barr and Sons LLC

Volz Auto Repair

Prairie Creek Saloon

Belle Plaine Specialty Care

TRACK SPONSOR $150 -- $249

Grieder Standard Service

Atkins Savings Bank and Trust

Berry's Lanes, Inc.

Keystone Insurance Agency

Van Horne Lions Club

Van Horn Motors of Newhall

SIGNATURE LEVEL $250 -- $499

M & D Mini Storage

Atkins Lumber Company, Inc.

Van Horne Communications

Virginia Gay Hospital

Dr. Mark Siebrecht

Keystone Savings Bank

Shellsburg Cablevision, Inc.

Rausch Financial Services


Thys Automotive Family

Plenty of time remains for businesses, clubs, groups, teams, and individuals to donate to the 2023 Benton County Relay For Life. Plenty of time also remains for registering to participate in this event or come to Relay the day of and participate. Please join us for the Benton County Relay For Life on Sunday, June 4, 2023, at the Benton Community High School track in Van Horne from 6:00 PM through 10:00 PM. Sunday, June 4th is National Cancer Survivors' Day, so it is the perfect day and reason to join with family and friends at this year's Benton County Relay For Life!


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