It's National Volunteer Week this week, April 21 - 27. On April 26 and 27 you are welcome to stop at any of the following Benton County Libraries!
Benton County Libraries and Benton County Volunteer Center have teamed up to celebrate volunteers. On Friday, April 26, no matter who you volunteer for, stop by one of the host libraries for a cup of coffee (or water) and a cookie. Check the list below for exact day and time for each library.
The time and talent that you share with others does not go unnoticed. Thank you!
Hosting Libraries
Atkins Public Library; April 26, 9:00 - Noon
Belle Plaine Public Library; April 26, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Garrison Public Library; April 27, 9:00 - Noon
Newhall Public Library; April 26, 9:00 - Noon
Schroeder (Keystone) Public Library; April 26, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Shellsburg Public Library; April 26, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Vinton Public Library; April 26, 9:00 - Noon
Cookies have been donated by Casey's on 4th St. Vinton and Shelly's Sweets in Newhall. Fareway is donating all the coffee!
Volunteering allows you to contribute to a cause, extend your life, reduce depression and stress, lower your blood pressure, boost happiness, get you out of the house, connect you with other people and your community, improve self-confidence, promote heart health, encourage physical activity, encourage learning, and create smiles on others faces!!
Benton County Volunteer Center of United Way of East Central Iowa believes in a strong, thriving community where everyone belongs. Together with our partners, volunteers, advocates, and donors, we create solutions to fill various gaps of need.
Our community-driven strategy is Unite to Inspire: A home of stability creates a stronger community. This strategy focuses on building economic mobility, fostering childhood success, improving access to healthcare and supporting safety net services.
If you are interested in learning more about volunteering in your community contact Benton County Volunteer Center, 319-434-6078.
Contact: Benton County Volunteer Center, United Way East
Central Iowa, Roxanne Fuller, 608-343-0182,
Community Resource & Volunteer Engagement Specialist
Benton County - National Volunteer Week is a week of celebration for all
the volunteers in our communities.
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