Whether you are a naturalist, an artist, a feminist, a mental health advocate, a nonconformist, a history lover, a judicial reformer, or just an amateur student of human nature, Lulu Berry's story is a lulu.

Miss Berry, 1874-1962, was a Vinton farm girl and country schoolteacher who graduated from the Chicago Art Institute and was a published entomologist. She was also an unmarried woman and an eccentric in a time and place which didn't approve of either.

On Sunday, August 4, Dennis Schlicht, retired science teacher and co-author of "Butterflies of Iowa," will present a slide show and lead a discussion on Miss Berry's fascinating life.

The free presentation is at 2 p.m. at the Center Point Historical Society Depot Museum, 700 E. Washington.

The Museum theme this year is Natural History. Museum hours are 2-5 Sundays through October. Admission is free.

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Taste of the Wild Camp August 15th

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Learn about Natural Inks & Dyes, August 10th, 10-11:30 a.m.


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