Vinton-Shellsburg Retirees and Award Winners were honored at a public open house reception on Wednesday, May 12th at the Central Office.

The 2020 Retirees included the following:

Mark Dulin - 35 years

Rose Kern - 33 years

Deb Garbers - 31 years

Gib Ziemer - 29 years

Deb Cummings - 21 years

Deb Schirm - 21 years

Susan Kakac - 20 years

Roger Bistline - 13 years

Mary Jo Hainstock - 11 years

2021 Retirees

Gordon Floyd - 18 years

Bev Ahlemeyer - 17 years

Teachers of the Year 

Lindsey Otto

Lindsey Otto is an amazing friend, parent, and community member but this is about how Lindsey is an outstanding educator. She goes above and beyond in all aspects of her job. As an exceptional elementary art teacher she has the ability to nurture creativity and guide students to success. She uses modeling, and explicit instruction to help each student feel like they are an artist in the making. 

She goes above and beyond in all aspects of her job. Lindsey started art shows for elementary students to showcase their work at their spring music concerts. Watching students share these projects with their families, you can see their beaming smiles and watch their confidence grow. Not to mention she puts on a total of eight shows every spring, all on her own time without compensation.

Lindsey collaborates with Sarah Mathis to lead Soul Sisters, a club for pre-teen girls where they learn about goal setting, positive mindset, self care, and healthy choices. They celebrate with a Soul Sister Run where they partnered with a running mentor. Lindsey and Sarah put in endless hours to support these students who are transitioning between elementary school and junior high school.

Lindsey is also a team player which became evident during this past year. She helped develop a schedule to lower exposures and mitigation needs by putting her art room on a cart and taking art to the students. She opened her classroom to others as a mitigation strategy for distancing students at lunch. Many people would have only looked at the negatives in these situations; however, Lindsey seized the opportunities. She continues to meet each day with a smile and a positive attitude.

Lindsey also shares her leadership skills on district-level and building-level leadership teams. She is solution-focused and supports initiatives that improve the educational experiences for Vinton-Shellsburg students. 

Thank you for sharing your expertise and craft with students, colleagues, and administrators.  We are truly grateful you are a difference-maker at Vinton Shellsburg.

As Picasso is to the world of art, Lindsey, you are to the world of education and we are the beneficiaries of your breathtaking creations.

Megan Albertsen

Megan Albertson began teaching at Vinton-Shellsburg after graduation from college in 2009. She has had the unique experience of teaching in every building in our district. Since 3015 she has been the middle school physical education teacher. Mrs. Albertson is one of the few teachers who sees all 317 students who are experiencing that awkward and difficult time of life called puberty! Yet, the students report that she is happy, positive and energized every day. 

One student even mentioned how she has modeled for them how to stay positive even when you are going through a tough time. Another student mentioned that she is kind to everyone and really cares about them. Megan also teaches students to care about others. This year Megan tried a new activity by taking students to the nursing home to do snow activities outside while the clients watched with smiles on their faces. What an amazing connection with the community. She has been a positive teacher in our school and in our community. 

Member of the Year - Jeff Mangold

Jeff Mangold has been a teacher with the Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District in several roles for 11 years. He has served on the Executive Board for many years and is always willing to help in any way that is needed. He is our ELP facilitator and assists both our middle school and high school students in the ELP program. Not only does Jeff play a vital role within our district, but he also plays a vital role in Vinton-Shellsburg Education Association. Jeff serves on the VSEA executive board and is a building representative for the middle school. 

Jeff was selected as Member of the Year for his dedication to our association, and his commitment to supporting his fellow teachers and staff to ensure they are treated fairly and with respect. Thank you Jeff for all you do for the Vinton-Shellsburg Education Association, ou students, and our staff. 

Friend of Education

Ehlinger's Express "66" was recognized as this year's recipient of the Friends of Education Award. Just a few of the things that Ehlinger's in Vinton contribute to include:

-Supported post-prom activities

-Invites any team/group/individuals that make it to the state competition to come out and paint their names on store windows

-Invites the senior class to paint windows during Homecoming Week

-Provides staff birthday cards each month with a gift certificate for coffee and doughnuts

-Provides food for football games for coaches, chain gang, and referees.

-For many years they have been a supporting business on the football gold cards. 

-Donates to buy t-shirts that are thrown out by cheerleaders during games

The staff and student thanked Ehlinger's for their support during the school year for many, many different activities, understanding that they wouldn't be able to provide these opportunities without businesses like Ehlinger's who contribute.

The reception snacks were organized by Laurie Hylander and Sheri Miller, and Marty Annis helped with the decorations,


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